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Zeeba Having Leg Tremors

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Thursday evening, I was feeding the crew and noticed that Zeeba's front legs were shaking. She stopped reaching for the chicken, put her head up and the shaking stopped. She tried to eat again and then the back legs started shaking. She finished eating and came over to me very slowly and stiff legged. She went right to the bed in the bedroom which is unusual for her. She didn't seem to have any pain and her gums looked good. I took her out before bedtime and she urinated but after she started to squat, she stood back up and finished peeing. She was walking stiff legged and moving slow. She went straight back to her bed and didn't move for most of the night. The next morning, she seemed to be back to her bouncy self.


I figured I would just keep a close eye on her since it seemed to go away. Friday evening, I got home and she was playful. While talking to my neighbor, she went and laid down in the grass rather than compete for attention. I gave her he piece of chicken and she dropped it. She reached down for it and the front legs started shaking. She laid down but wasn't in a position to eat so I went to move the chicken. She got up and grabbed the chicken but the leg tremors started again. She laid down and finished her supper. She wasn't as bad as the night before but she would lay down every chance she had and was walking stiff legged and gingerly.


She ate breakfast but acted like she didn't have any energy. I took her to the vet and was able to get in after they closed at noon. Zeeba started getting tremors while we were in the waiting room so she laid down. In the exam room, she started getting them so the vet was able to observe. Vet noted her appetite was good, no obvious pain and no temperature. She said we could do blood tests now but the blood would go to the lab at the hospital. She prescribed a non-steroidal (Vetprofen tabs) and wants to see if Zeeba gets better. If the symptoms persist, the vet will take blood tests next week and send them to the animal lab in Bozeman. The vet thinks she may have "tweaked" something and it will work out.


Anybody have any ideas?


ETA: Zeeba will be 4 in November

Edited by DragonLady

Adrienne - with the kitties Tippy & Tyler Too

Missing my bridge angels Boo Zsee, Java Bean (Nitro Kristen), Zeeba and Baer the not-so-miniature schnauzer

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Guest Energy11

Maybe she has arthritis? How old is she? The meds the vet prescribed would help IF it is arthritis... I'd just observe her on the meds, and go from there. Could be a lot of things, but, at least rule out the arthritis, which can make them miserable. Good Luck!

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I sure hope she doesn't have arthritis at 4 years of age. I have checked her over as thoroughly as I know how - I haven't had to do anything like this before so I could be missing something.


She got the tremors again when trying to eat supper and ended up eating it while laying down.

Adrienne - with the kitties Tippy & Tyler Too

Missing my bridge angels Boo Zsee, Java Bean (Nitro Kristen), Zeeba and Baer the not-so-miniature schnauzer

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Thank you for your prayers & suggestions on the massage. I will try that later today. I am leaving her home while Java & Boo Zsee get to go on our Greyhound Walk.

Adrienne - with the kitties Tippy & Tyler Too

Missing my bridge angels Boo Zsee, Java Bean (Nitro Kristen), Zeeba and Baer the not-so-miniature schnauzer

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