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Bea-e-vet Last Night....attacked At Boarding Kennel - Long

Guest LeanneSchatz

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Guest MyNellyBean

This is appalling and so scary! My greyhound, Nell, got bit by a mutt at the park on Saturday. There was only one bite, but it resulted in two wounds (one from the other dog's top teeth, and one from his bottom teeth). One puncture wound goes through the skin and fat and even punctured the muscle. It is very deep and very scary. It's on her side, sort of between her rib cage and hip. I cried for 2 days. It was awful to see her in such pain and unable to lie comfortably on her bed, and I was right there with her when it happened and have been by her side ever since then! I can't imagine how angry and upset you must feel knowing that she suffered on her own for a day. This is unacceptable. I am an attorney and would personally go after the boarder. It's one thing not to report a minor abrasion to the dog owner, but 8 wounds?! That is a blatant breach of their duty of care. Could they not have at least called you? I wonder how your sweet girl could even rest comfortably when she had wounds on both sides of her body. And the subsequent emails from the boarder sound like nothing more than their futile attempt to justify their inaction. You absolutely must put pressure on them and make them responsible for the bills. I would also report them to animal control or some city officials responsible for animal oversight. They need some sort of punitive fines. Unreal. I am so sorry. Be sure to post on how your girl is doing. Nell and I will be thinking of her!

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Guest eaglflyt

How is your girl doing?


This story makes me so very angry and heartsick! Who wouldn't tend a dog's wounds and get them to a vet pronto??? Do these people at this boarding facility even care at all about dogs? Please continue to pursue this ... not just for your dogs, but for any future dogs in their care that may not be as lucky.


Prayers for you and your greys from OK.

Edited by eaglflyt
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