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Eye Injury

Guest Bethroze

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Guest Bethroze

My search isn't working, so let me ask this question. Sorry if it has been answered somewhere else.


I came home from running my two children to school, and my female grey had her left eye closed and was walking funny. I could tell she was in pain. The eye is weeping a little bit, and there was a tiny bit of blood. She has been popped in the eye with her brothers tail before, but she usually opens it again within ten minutes or so. This happened yesterday, and she is still not wanting to open it. I can get it to open a bit, and the eye looks good, other than one small cloudy spot. I was told to look for that when I called the vet last night, so I am heading in this morning. Is there anything I should mention about grey eyes? This is my local vet, not my greyhound specialist I take them to for diagnosis or surgery. :(


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Guest meakah

I am glad you are taking her in. Eyes should never be messed with as ulcers on the eye can get infected and she can lose her vision....or even worse....lose the eye. And if you are seeing a cloudy spot then she has an ulcer which definitely needs treatment asap. There is nothing 'special' about a greys eye so there is nothing to mention to the vet and any vet will do. They will put some colour drops in her eye and check out the ulcer and likely send you home with some ointment you will have to apply each day. Keep up with the ointment (or drops) because like I mentioned before....an ulcer can get worse quickly. She should heal up quickly once the treatment has started. I find the cloudiness disappears in a week or so depending on the size of the ulcer.

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Guest Energy11

No, just give you vet the same history you just gave us here. As the other poster said, eyes are not to be messed with, but once diagnosed, there are lots of good drops and creams for them. Good Luck, and you're doing the right thing! Hugs to you and your hound.

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A similar thing happened to me once when I got whacked in the eye by a branch of a tree. I had a cut on the cornea and had double-vision for a while. I got it checked out + had some drops and it got better very quickly - within a day or two I think - so hopefully your girl's will too :goodluck .


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Guest KennelMom

I prefer to see an opthamologist for any eye issues. Definitely best to have it looked at by someone though. A greyhound is a dog after all, so a "regular" vet should be a fine place to start.

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