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Sudden Limping (first Time Owner)

Guest BatesieGreys

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Guest BatesieGreys

I took Daisy out at about 12:30 to go potty. Right as we were about to come back in, I felt the leash go taught behind me (she was lagging because she hates the heat and humidity). I turned around, ready to tell her to come on, but she had her left front paw lifted off the ground and was licking at the bottom of it. She had an upset expression on her face. I told her to come on since I didn't want to examine it outside in the heat, and she seemed to be limping slightly. It was hard to tell because she was on leash and she wouldn't walk in front of me. Once we got upstairs, she would put weight on it, but seemed to be favoring it a bit. I put her muzzle on and felt all around it, and she only squeeked once, but I couldn't find the spot again to replicate the pain. (I wasn't trying to hurt her, but was trying to localize. Just in case it wasn't her paw, I checked her ankle, knee and hip. I called her to me to see her stand and walk again. She walked a little better (barely discernible limp), but would not bear full weight on it when standing still. She only puts down enough to balance herself. I felt around again and found the spot that hurts. It is the hollow of her paw right in the middle of her pads. I've examined it carefully, and found no signs of bee stingers or anything else stuck in it. I gave her a benadryl just in case she was stung or bitten by something that didn't leave a stinger.


I'm reluctant to take her to the e-vet for a barely noticeable limp that's been going on for less than 30 minutes. That seems like overreacting, and I certainly wouldn't go to the doctor myself for something like that.


I've attached a picture of her foot where you can see the hollow. It looks normal as far as I can tell. Does anyone have any ideas about what this could be? SHOULD I panic and take her to the e-vet?





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She may have stepped on something and may just have a little bruise. Since she was fine before you took her outside, it's probably something minor like that. I wouldn't bother with the e-vet. I have an idea by tomorrow she won't be limping at all.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

She should be fine :) If the limping gets a lot worse or she starts crying in pain then I would consider taking her in. But like Judy says, she will probably not have a limp at all tomorrow :)

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Guest Energy11

Goldie did that the other day. She as outside, and was reluctant to come up the ramp into the house. I checked the foot (hard with Goldie), and she HATES her feet touched, but nothing there. I gave her Deramaxx for three days, and no more limp. She obviously turned or strained something. She will be nine, so, yes, I was worried when I saw the limp. Yours should be fine in a day or two, though. Good Luck!

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Guest trevdog

I'd just keep an eye on her and thoroughly check her foot over. It could be any little thing as their feet are very sensitive. Look between the toes, check the nails, even a little pinpoint mark on a pad can cause great discomfort.

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Guest fargosmom

I'm sure she'll be fine, but if there's a next time it's not a bad idea to stop at that moment and inspect the paw - if there's something they've stepped on that's only slightly embedded you have time to remove it. If you make the pup walk on it till you get home there's a good chance the foreign body may get driven in deeper, and then you do have a trip to the vet.

I especially worry about broken glass, so I check their feet any time Cosmo or Zuzu seem slightly off.

Best wishes to you and Daisy!

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Guest Scouts_mom

I spent a fortune on my first grey by taking her to the evet for every little limp. I have since learned better. Now my rule is that unless I see blood gushing and as long as the dog is breathing, I feel around the foot and leg to see if I can find a problem; If I find nothing I give lots of sympathy, admit that it is all my fault whatever happened, I'm a bad momma, and I will do my best to make sure it never happens again, give a cookie and let the dog nap. Generally the limp is gone when the dog wakes up. If the limp continues for a couple days, then we visit the vet.

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I would place a warm soak on the paw, just me, she could have stepped on something, and may have a bruised it, warm soak will make it feel better, in my house 3 days not better, to the vet

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Guest BatesieGreys

Thanks to everyone. I was with her all afternoon and Dbf spent the evening with her. When I got home tonight, she seemed to be limping less. I will actually get her into the kitchen to watch her stand and walk in a bit, but it does look like she is feeling better. Thanks to everyone for reassuring me and for all of the good advice. It's scary to see your pup get hurt.



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