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Abrasion On Frt.foot & Under Dewclaw

Guest eeyore

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Guest eeyore

Here's one for you.... My 7yr old male, Te-Kal, about 3wks ago had cut his outside toe on his Lft frt foot...it was right at the nailbed and bled something awful....after Kwik-Stop, gauze bandaging around a webbed toe and babysocks secured with vet wrap.....it healed!! However, as it was healing, he decided he did NOT want the sock on, so he began to lick & lick & chew off the vet wrap ( muzzle on ) and pulled the sock off....now I'm dealing with 2 areas the are very red....a circular area on the inside, above the metatarsal, about 1/4" in diameter and the area under his dewclaw...very raw...if he would leave it alone, we would not have a problem....I cannot stop him from licking it....I have tried the bitter tasting R-7 liquid bandage spray....licks it off...Neosporin ointment, roll gauze, sock, etc....


Help, PLEASE....I have even covered his muzzle with vet wrap to discourage the licking...it helps a little, but my hubby and I work...when we can be there to watch him, he listens perfectly, but look out when we are not paying attention to him!!


Any suggestions would greytly appreciated. :)

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Doesn't liquid bandage, like New Skin form a seal? If you get a good enough seal, he can lick and lick but won't get to the wound itself.


Or, what about EMT gel?


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest eeyore
Doesn't liquid bandage, like New Skin form a seal? If you get a good enough seal, he can lick and lick but won't get to the wound itself.


Or, what about EMT gel?


It says it will dry to a "clear film" after 2 min., but it is still very pinky-red


What's EMT gel? What does it do and where can I get it?

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EMT Gel is an all-natural gel containing a natural medical hydrolysate Type I collagen as its active ingredient. It interacts with the wound site maintaining a moist environment that encourages wound healing.


Collagen provides the matrix for new cell growth. It acts as a tissue adhesive, helps to prevent bacterial infection and reduces the potential of scarring.


It's available at GEM. I'm sorry I don't know how to put that link but hopefully someone will


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest eeyore

Thank you soooo much for all the info...the abrasion is more like a very small "hot spot" that he made himself ....kinda like a raw area from chewing & licking to get the bandage off...the one under his dewclaw appears to be more like raw chafing from being inside th bandage, up against hs leg, under the bandage.

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EMT gel is likely to work, because in addition to "sealing" the wound, and encouraging healing, it contains lidocaine. Lidocaine is a topical anesthetic, so it would prevent itching, and hopefully prevent the reason he is licking.


The other thing you can try is a product that tastes bad. Bitter Apple is one of the most common, but can be expensive (instead, try apple cider vinegar!). And, it has been my experience that most dogs may be deterred at first, but the stuff does not taste bad enough for them to stop licking after a couple days. And, I swear some dogs even think of it as a condiment!


I like tea tree oil. It tastes TERRIBLE, and is a natural antibiotic. It also helps heal. A drop or two, diluted in about a cup of water can be enough to deter a dog. HOWEVER, you do have to dilute it, because it can cause some stomach upset if injested. And, some dogs hate it so much that they cannot even be in the same room with it. My Manero is one like that. When he injured his foot sa few years ago, I tried tea tree oil. It made him so crazy! I felt so bad. He would pace and pant, and just HATED it! Even these days, if I put some on a wound on myself, I keep him away from me till it dries...he can't stand it!

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest eeyore

EMT gel is likely to work, because in addition to "sealing" the wound, and encouraging healing, it contains lidocaine. Lidocaine is a topical anesthetic, so it would prevent itching, and hopefully prevent the reason he is licking.


The other thing you can try is a product that tastes bad. Bitter Apple is one of the most common, but can be expensive (instead, try apple cider vinegar!). And, it has been my experience that most dogs may be deterred at first, but the stuff does not taste bad enough for them to stop licking after a couple days. And, I swear some dogs even think of it as a condiment!


I like tea tree oil. It tastes TERRIBLE, and is a natural antibiotic. It also helps heal. A drop or two, diluted in about a cup of water can be enough to deter a dog. HOWEVER, you do have to dilute it, because it can cause some stomach upset if injested. And, some dogs hate it so much that they cannot even be in the same room with it. My Manero is one like that. When he injured his foot sa few years ago, I tried tea tree oil. It made him so crazy! I felt so bad. He would pace and pant, and just HATED it! Even these days, if I put some on a wound on myself, I keep him away from me till it dries...he can't stand it



What do you do with it once you dilute 1-2 drops in 8oz of H2O?


Where do I get thie " EMT Gel?"

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Guest BlackandBrindle

In the meantime, wash it a few times a day with diluted Betadine (I use a hair color applicator). Or you can get the spray at any drugstore. I love the ease and convenience of the spray. It helps numb the area a little and might help with the itching/licking.


When Spud messed up his dewclaw we soaked a few times a day in epsom salt water and put benadryl cream on it- making sure he didn't lick it off.

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What do you do with it once you dilute 1-2 drops in 8oz of H2O?


Where do I get thie " EMT Gel?"


After you dilute it, you apply it to the wound.


EMT gel can be found in a number of places. Most pet supply catalogs have it. (some of my favorites include Pet Edge, Pet Supplies Delivered, and KV Vet Supply). I get it at a farm supply store. For a long time, I could only find it in the horse and cattle sections, but they have recently been stocking it in the pet section too.

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Our little girl, Perri, had that when she was a few months old. It turned out to be mange (not the catchy kind) and not a wound after all! It healed on its own but it took a while. If it didn't, she would have been given ivermectin. They did a skin scraping to figure that one out. She didn't have a cut that I know of but the mange is just environmental. It might be worth a look see. Maybe the bacteria got in there when the cut happened. Just another thing to consider.



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