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Small White Bump Between Paw Pads

Guest Maddyr24

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Guest Maddyr24

I was checking Sagan's foot again and I just noticed he has a white bump in between his toe pads! It was the same foot that was injured before. The foot is no longer swollen so I'm wondering if this seems to be another flair up? Could it be puss filled infection?






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:puke Soft and squishy, could very easily be a pod of infection, paw can so easily get little things in them, my boy had one, and I soaked it a few times a day , to make sure the pod was soft, rubbed it and it broke open and drained, yucky stuff
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When Scarlett got something stuck in her paw we did Epsom Salt baths for a couple of weeks and then the thing worked its way out. By we, I mean me and my wonderful doorman who took over for me when I had to travel. How many people can say that about their doormen?


Kiss Sagan for me and Aquitaine.



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Guest Energy11
:puke Soft and squishy, could very easily be a pod of infection, paw can so easily get little things in them, my boy had one, and I soaked it a few times a day , to make sure the pod was soft, rubbed it and it broke open and drained, yucky stuff

I'd soak it and get in touch with the vet for oral antibiotics. Good LUck!

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Guest Maddyr24

Thanks everyone! Ok, so talked to the vet and she said - keep an eye on it (since he was already on antibiotics). I came home today to find it drained and scabbing over. Yay! no more white puss! Vet thinks he's fine but if its not healed in a few days, she says to bring him in.


these dogs are so fragile (or at least it feels that way!).


thanks again.




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