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Bump On Nose Under Skin

Guest katieandpadfoot

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Guest katieandpadfoot

About a week ago...my husband and I noticed a bump on our girls nose under the skin...we aren't sure if she got stung or not. It is close to the end of her nose...if you lift up her lip you can feel it at the very very top of her gum...but doesn't apper to be in her gum...although the top of her gum does seem a little red and irritated. Her eye on that side is watery too....the bump is still there but not as big...or at least I don't think so....I did talk to the vet and she said wait and see if it goes down..it make take up to 2 weeks...but I'm getting nervous....anyone have any suggestions!!!!



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Guest Energy11

Could be a bee sting, like you said. Oakly tries to go after and eat bees, or with the eye involved, etc.,,, maybe an abcessed tooth. I'd have the vet take a look.


One time, Energy got a few teeth pulled, and in spite of the oral antibiotics he was on, his tooth abcessed, and it did cause his eye to swell/water.


Good Luck!

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:paw I vote for bug bite, oral bendryl or warm compress to nose, there is a topical bendryl spray that I keep at all times, if she is not eating well could be a toth issue, but it is always best to have her teeth checked if in doubt. my pups are always after bees Good Luck
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