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We Are Chipping :)

Guest Dragonmom

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Guest Dragonmom

WOOHOO......Ace is here. he is a hyper bouncing boy :) DF has got his hands full for sure. the family was really nice and asked to keep in touch with e-mails. they are moving to ottawa and have 4 kids. the kids looked sad but we told them he will be spoiled rotten just like my girls are.


the only down side to this is he isnt neutered. should be fun trying to keep him quiet after his change purse removal.

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I am sure he will be a better inside doggie once he gets snipped.


Good luck!

Donna and...Lucy and Chubb
Rascal H 10/1/91-5/22/04 My best friend and Bounty Boon 1/23/99-6/25/07 My boy with the biggest heart
Cody 7/28/99-8/1/13 My boy that always made me laugh and Dylan 5/12/04-12/29/2017 The sweetest boy ever

Miss Mollie 1/1/99-1/30/15 and Pixie :heart:heart-10/10/2017 Lincoln :heart-2/14/2021

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Guest Dragonmom

*sigh* DF just said something about giving him back :(


so far there is snarking when inside and fine when outside. Ace is only just over a year old and un-neutered :( he tried mounting Bella and that soooo did not go over well at all. DF has no patience for anything that doesn't work out asap.


i told him it is going to take a few days for them all to start to get along.

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Guest Dragonmom

wow a couple hours make a difference....the dogs are *mostly* getting along. Ace goes in for his neuter tomorrow at 9:30. hope everything goes well for him.

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Men and their patience!! :lol


Hope things went okay last night. I am sure that a month from now after he has less testosterone and they have learned to live with each other it will be a different pack. I adore my two little mixes but they definately require more than the greyhounds. Hopefully your BF will be up to exercising him and that will keep him in line.

Donna and...Lucy and Chubb
Rascal H 10/1/91-5/22/04 My best friend and Bounty Boon 1/23/99-6/25/07 My boy with the biggest heart
Cody 7/28/99-8/1/13 My boy that always made me laugh and Dylan 5/12/04-12/29/2017 The sweetest boy ever

Miss Mollie 1/1/99-1/30/15 and Pixie :heart:heart-10/10/2017 Lincoln :heart-2/14/2021

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Guest Dragonmom

DF whined this morning about taking him out at 5am. hehe i laughed and said welcome to having your own baby :P Ace was a total outside dog, so he gives no notice of when he has to go potty.


Ace had his neuter this morning. he spent the night in winnie's crate next to our bed. poor guy whined almost all night. I called the vet and they said he is up and around and should be ready to come home in about an hour.

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Guest wmlcml6

I'm thinking "Slapshot" will be much like my Stranger. We don't know exactly what breed he is, but we think he's part Husky, and that breed is known for being super smart. They are also escape artists, and love to have a job to do.


Just some notes about what Stranger is like to prepare you .... He loves being in the house during the summer, but in cooler weather it's hard to get him to come inside. When he's outside no fence can contain him. He will absolutely find a way to get out if he wants to roam, but he is usually content to stay on our property. When we had puppies, he figured out how to open their locked gate to let them out to play with him. That was super fun until we figured out a way to rig the gate. He considers it his job to protect "his" territory (almot 6 acres) from any and all predators (also known as anything furry that moves that isn't part of his inside family). Squirrels, moles, rabbits, racoons, stray cats - they will be hunted down if your boy is as diligent a hunter as Stranger. We also had to neuter him immediately because when he first showed up on our property he wasn't allowed inside. Well, when one of our girls came in season, he practically tore up our house trying to get inside to be with them. So that would be a good idea to take care of right away if your boy isn't neutered when you get him. (Even if your girls are spayed, the neighborhood may have unspayed females and that will cause him to roam.)


Good luck!



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Hope Ace is home!!


My brother had a female husky that was a fantastic dog and then he went and got a male husky. As Cathy says...he could not be contained so I would watch to see if your new guy may be an escape artist too.

Donna and...Lucy and Chubb
Rascal H 10/1/91-5/22/04 My best friend and Bounty Boon 1/23/99-6/25/07 My boy with the biggest heart
Cody 7/28/99-8/1/13 My boy that always made me laugh and Dylan 5/12/04-12/29/2017 The sweetest boy ever

Miss Mollie 1/1/99-1/30/15 and Pixie :heart:heart-10/10/2017 Lincoln :heart-2/14/2021

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Guest Dragonmom

Ace is now home and resting in his crate. he got a couple cookies to lure him into the crate and he is sleeping off the last of the sedative.

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