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William Is Limping

Guest UESBrindle

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Guest bigbrindlebunny
Looks more like a little puncture or foreign body than a corn, but it could be a corn. As a first step, wouldn't hurt to soak his foot in Epsom salts (at your drugstore; directions on the box; you mix up with warm water) 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a day. I usually wait till pup is lying down, soak a washcloth in the Epsom salts, wrap dripping wet washcloth around foot, put foot with washcloth inside 2 plastic bags, deliver tummy rubs for 5-10 minutes.



Batmom, you are awesome! Thank you for such explicit directions! We've been trying to soak Pete's feet by making him stand in a bowl of water! No wonder he says :withstupid


The trial and tribulations of poor Pete and his first time dog owners :rofl

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Guest UESBrindle

Thank you Batmom! We soaked in epsom salt water last night, and again this morning. I'll ask the vet tomorrow to take a closer look to see if that could be our culprit.


On his walk this morning, he was putting his foot down, and just walking gingerly, which is better than the tripod hobbling he was doing before.


Also, the lyme test came back "very very low" (??) and she wants to give him 30 days on antibiotics just to be sure. I guess I thought it would come back either positive or negative, I didn't realize there was an "in between" possibility, so we'll pick those up tomorrow at our follow-up.

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Guest MyBoys

I had my oldest guy Sean to the vet 2 weeks ago for the same thing, he just started limping for no reason after a walk. I called the vet right away and took him in. She could not find anything swollen and he allowed her to move his leg all around. She said before she put him through xrays she wanted to test for lyme, sure enough he came back positive but very low. He has been on the antibiotics now for 2 weeks and has 2 weeks to go. I have to say that he has not limped at all and is back to having his daily walks. Hopefully William will be fine, I understand Lyme affects the muscles so maybe that what it is causing his limp. She also put him on anti-inflamatories for 5 days which really seemed to help.

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Guest Vinnie

Hoping that sweet William is feeling better and that the epsom salts and new meds have him his happy self in no time. Hugs and scritches.

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Guest sja5032

A lot of tick diseases can be present without being active, which could explain the "very very low", doxyclycline (sp?) for 30 days is usually the treatment. I would guess from a racing trainer POV, without seeing the dog that he may have a muscle strain. Sometimes they show up more when the dog has been resting for a while, like when you came home and he was worse had he been laying around all day not really moving or stretching? A vet that is not greyhound savvy probably wouldn't find this. I also think the epsom salts are a great idea, because there is something on the pad regardless of what it is epsom salts fix everything (not everything but close enough :P ).

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Guest UESBrindle

We went to the othopedic specialist this morning and he gave William a very through check-out, bending legs, toes and joints in all different directions, and checking out his neck and spine. He also checked over the x-rays from Tuesday night, and he thinks the limping could be caused by 1 of 2 things right now:


1. a foreign object in his paw that isn't able to come out because he's walking on it: he saw something in the x-ray that indicates there's something in there, but he pressed as hard as he could, but couldn't get a really positive reaction from William that that's what was causing the pain. He said that the epsom salt could only help getting it out, so we're going to keep doing that 3x/day to see.


2. the joint behind the wrist (carpel-something..)/muscles has been strained: He said the muscles are inflamed, and sometimes rest is all that can be done about that. The x-rays showed no fracture, but as he was giving a check-out, William gave a pretty loud squeek to let everyone know that it didn't feel good.


He said that if it is lyme at all, we should see a noticible improvement in a matter of a week on the antibiotics (which we'll start today). but if there is no clear improvement, we'll call next week to schedule a follow-up to see if either of the possibilities seem more apparent. He said there are surgeries to fix either of the issues, but because we don't clearly know which one it is, we have to just give it time, which is frustrating, because he's been limping since July 3rd, and I feel awful for not having brought him sooner.


We're just going to keep with 3 very short walks a day, previcox for another week and a half, 30 days of doxycycline, and rest.


Thank you all for your help in tossing out ideas and sharing your experiences!



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Guest GreytfulJack

I hope William is feeling better! He certainly is not lacking for love. :) This has been a journey for both of you!!!!! :getwell :getwell

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Guest MorganKonaAlex
We're just going to keep with 3 very short walks a day, previcox for another week and a half, 30 days of doxycycline, and rest.


Sounds like a good plan. Just keep a eye out for stomach upset. Both can be rough on the stomach.

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Guest sja5032

I just checked up on this thread, how is William doing?? Any progress? I read the report from the vet and wanted to make a suggestion, possibly a poultice around the inflamed muscles to bring the swelling down faster. Basically the same concept as icing but it is a clay you apply works well for ankle and toe injuries to bring the swelling down and reduce pain.

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