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New From Ks - Need Some Advice...

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Guest dinner

Hey there - sorry I'm slow with the follow-up.

But things seem to have went smoothly...


Since he was moving 3 hours away, we decided to meet somewhere in the middle. I knew of a little park with a pond that was just off interstate. So Pep and I got there a little early and got in one last walk together. After the ex got there and we moved all of his stuff from my car to his, he jumped right into ex's car and laid down like it was old habit. Ex gave me a while to say my goodbye and then they were gone. It was very hard.


But as time goes on, I know it was for the best. From what I've been told, he is adjusting nicely. The ex's girlfriend told me that he's been "a little gassy"... which I think she thinks is because of all the changes... and I think she thinks that will get better. Sorry about that! He's just kind of a stinker! I think it's part of his "charm"! ;)


Thanks Burpdog, that's very sweet of you. I'll track down that address.

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Guest KiKi_Girl

I'm sorry you had to go through this. I had to leave my two whippets with my ex when we divorced. It was the hardest thing about my divorce, but I did have my grey. You did a very loving thing. It does get easier as time passes, but it has been 5+ years and I still think of them. Maybe one day you will be able to get another grey to keep you company.

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He's gorgeous, and that pic of you with him is beautiful!


I just read through all this, and I admire your courage to do the right thing by your old sweetheart. If the move is a little hard on him right now, it would only get harder on him and everyone else as he got older and older - and so would those steps. Pep went to someone he knows and loves, and will have an easier time of his last few years. And thinking back to when we lost our old Jack earlier this year, it was a nightmare trying to pick up a collapsed and terrified old boy (thirteen and a half) and get him to the emergency vet at 2am on a horribly icy night, without any steps to negotiate. Whatever happens in the future, you have spared him daily problems on those steps - problems which get very much harder the older they get, and almost impossible if they develop back problems.


I hope you can get to visit him now and then - for you own sake, not Pep's. I believe Pep will be happy once he settles. Dogs don't ask for much, and oldies ask for even less, bless them. Not saying he'll forget you, just that dogs live in the moment. :bighug


For what it's worth, I think you did the right thing.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest Hollys2hounds

Thinking of you and Pep, and sending hugs.


It was a very brave decision to make. I too admire your courage to do the right thing for your boy. I hope you will get to see him once in a while.


:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

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