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Sparks Is Panting

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He's been panting off and on all day


None of the other dogs are panting

They are all in the livingroom


No idea what's going on- if anything so yes I'm being a worry wart


Would you be concerned?


Kari and the pups.
Run free sweet Hana 9/21/08-9/12/10. Missing Sparks with every breath.
Passion 10/16/02-5/25/17

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Guest Maddyr24

Hi there!


Sagan sometimes pants and it usually means one of a few things:


1) he has to go out - take him for a long walk, let him sniff, and get some nasty stuff in his system out.


2) He is a little stressed out and I usually give him some ice to chew - which calms him down. The long walk also helps tire him out if its nerves.


A few other ideas: cold water - sometimes sagan pants when he's thirsty and doesn't want whats in his bowl. Once i refresh his bowl with ice cold water he is happy as a clam.


I hope thats helpful!




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Guest WarmheartedPups

hmmmmm hard to know......I'd watch Sparks.....watch for a tummy thats swollen ...check gums.....call Vet in a.m. if still panting.....sometimes its just worth a take in to put your mind at ease.


Hope Sparks is ok!!

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Guest gottaluvgreysindy

Looks like you have already received some greyt advice. I am sending prayers that it is nothing, from one worry wart mom to another :)

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