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Rhemus has a +4 hookworm infestation.


How exactly this happens when said houndie is on Interceptor is anybody's guess.


BUT--the weight loss, the coughing (they migrate to the lungs, ew), the lethargy, all explained. His blood counts are good, thankfully! He and Rose start Panacur tonight, 2nd treatment in two weeks, test again two weeks after that, and we go from there.


Never thought I would be SO HAPPY that my furkid has worms!!!!! :lol But that certainly is better than some of the alternatives that were floating around my brain.


Thank you all again for the good thoughts and prayers. :beatheart


(eta--he happened to poop while we were waiting outside at the vet, and just on a whim I had them do a fecal)

Edited by laurie


**& Angels Emily, Beatrice, Okie, Rhemus ,Vixen, and Rose-always in my heart**

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Guest Energy11

Wow~~ Yes, could have been MUCH worse!


Worms, we can deal with, right? Yes, I wonder how he got them on Interceptor? Great news, though!

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Very happy for you that it's "just" hooks but sad too. Been there, done that. It sounds like he may have had hooks for a while, and they may keep returning. The medicines only kill adults, but they can encase themselves in cysts anywhere in the body (and the yard) and emerge when they get around to it. Don't mean to rain on your parade, honestly, but my hookworm dog is old for his age too; hooks do that to them, even turning muzzles prematurely white, and that's the least of it. So ask around and get the best advice you can find about follow-up treatment after Panacur. (Hint: Drontal!)


Now back to the "happy" part of our program! :clap:confetti You got a diagnosis, and it could have been worse! :lol That really IS a good thing!

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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