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Osteo Diagnosis - What Do We Do First?

Guest RaymondsMom

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Guest trevdog

Hoping surgery is an option for Raymond. The tumor does grow pretty fast it seems there, you won't have too much time to decide what you are going to do I'm afraid. Dr Couto is pretty good about getting back quickly, perhaps he's out of town? I'd email the other contact there that you have. No remission, but depending on the course of action available, you may be able to buy some time. I have no idea what the avg rate is with it in that area though.

There was another post in H & M the other day about a similar surgery, I think it was Sknydog who posted, you might want to check it out.

Good Luck and continuing to send prayers.

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Guest Fasave

Hang in there! It sounds like you're doing everything you can. I would definitely contact OSU directly to talk to someone. It is unusual for Dr. Couto not to respond. They will be a great consult. I know that they were able to give a friend an alternative treatment for soft tissue cancer similar to Ave's when they didn't get clear margins. It was a lot less evasive and expensive than the radiation NEVOG had recommended but was still in the experimental stage. They were able to find a doc in RI to administer it and so far, good results. So you never know what the OSU folks have been working on.


Raymond is such a character. If I remember correctly, you had a hard time taking him for a walk when he first came home. He would just freeze. I also remember the first class where Raymond refused to look the instructor in the eye so all we saw of Raymond was his cute little greyhound butt for a few weeks :wub: Take it one day at a time and enjoy the time you have and remember, there are no wrong decisions because whatever you do, you will never know what would have happened if you did something else. I know you will make decisions based what's right for our buddy Raymond.


On a side note, Ave is fine. They got clean margins a year ago and he's still doing well. He did have surgery on Thursday to remove another lump (different location) but it was smaller than the size of a peanut and I figured better safe than sorry with his history so all is well.


Tell Raymond that we are cheering for him to use the stairs or ramp. Thinking of you all!

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Guest VirginiaGreys

Dodge gave us that same look when he saw the ramp I bought for him. He won't use it either. I'll have to try it in the house. I hope that you get better news soon!

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Sorry to hear this.........you have a brilliant support group here on GT. Hoping and praying for a more positive outcome.

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Guest RaymondsMom

So good to hear that Ave is doing well. Some of our favorite times were with all his friends in obedience class. He especially loved the "free play" time at the end of class. He always liked to be squarely in the middle of the pack. :rolleyes:


Will you be at Greyhound Friends reunion today? Was thinking of going by myself a little later to buy a few things for Raymond.

Would love to hear more about your experience at NEVOG.

Or if you don't mind giving us a call today, that would be great. (I think you said you have our number in the Greyhound Adventures database?)

Thank you so much




Hang in there! It sounds like you're doing everything you can. I would definitely contact OSU directly to talk to someone. It is unusual for Dr. Couto not to respond. They will be a great consult. I know that they were able to give a friend an alternative treatment for soft tissue cancer similar to Ave's when they didn't get clear margins. It was a lot less evasive and expensive than the radiation NEVOG had recommended but was still in the experimental stage. They were able to find a doc in RI to administer it and so far, good results. So you never know what the OSU folks have been working on.


Raymond is such a character. If I remember correctly, you had a hard time taking him for a walk when he first came home. He would just freeze. I also remember the first class where Raymond refused to look the instructor in the eye so all we saw of Raymond was his cute little greyhound butt for a few weeks :wub: Take it one day at a time and enjoy the time you have and remember, there are no wrong decisions because whatever you do, you will never know what would have happened if you did something else. I know you will make decisions based what's right for our buddy Raymond.


On a side note, Ave is fine. They got clean margins a year ago and he's still doing well. He did have surgery on Thursday to remove another lump (different location) but it was smaller than the size of a peanut and I figured better safe than sorry with his history so all is well.


Tell Raymond that we are cheering for him to use the stairs or ramp. Thinking of you all!

Edited by RaymondsMom
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Guest RaymondsMom

Picked up some portable stairs at Petco yesterday...so hopefully those will work better.

Everyone here is right though...don't think we gave the ramp enough time to get him used to it.


I think panic/depression/hysteria over the whole situation is clouding our judgement. Raymond is a creature of habit. It takes him a while to get used to new things.

Will introduce him to the stairs with lots of treats today. (He used to be terrified of baths...but now he practically knocks me over to jump in the tub when the water turns on, so he can lick all the peanut butter off the walls while he gets his beauty treatment -- a tip I picked up from someone on Greytalk!)


The stairs are a lot more lightweight than the ramp, anyway. The ramp we had bought before was very heavy and hard to handle by one person (or at least me!), so maybe the stairs will be a better solution. Otherwise, I'll look for a different ramp model.



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