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Swollen Foot/ankle Soft Tissue Injury?

Guest 20PawsinAlaska

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Guest 20PawsinAlaska

We had a greydate today w/ 10 Greyhounds running around our local high school football field. Jack had a blast. When it was time to go I noticed that he wasn't putting much weight on his front right foot.


We've been home about 2 hours and his foot up to his ankle bone is swollen. I've felt it & he doesn't react but his nose drips excessively when I touch it. It feels as if their is liquid inside and there is an audible sound that I hear when I'm lightly squeezing the area. I can't describe the sound except maybe the sound of crinkling tissue paper.


I've given him 2 baby aspirin and am going to put ice packs on. Could it be a broken toe? Should I go to the vet now or wait? :unsure

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Guest Energy11

It could be something broken, for sure ... maybe toe, maybe ankle, BUT, STRAINS AND SPRAINS are AS BAD, IF NOT WORSE pain-wise sometimes, than a break.


I would play it by ear. Try to keep him off the foot. Don't give anymore baby aspirin tonight. Just like with a human, you can ice and elevate the foot to help the swelling and the pain.


It really IS a judgement call for you, about whether to vet him tonight, or wait till tomorrow. If he seems to be in too much pain, OR the swelling gets worse, yes, I'd vet him today.


Good Luck! Dee ... P.s. I have ALWAYS WANTED to see Alaska! I HATE HEAT WITH A PASSION, and always thought, Alaska would be MY kind of place :-)

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Sadie got the crinklies after her microchip and Spud had them after the dog attack. I think it is just air beneath the skin?



Definitely put ice on it. Keep him off it as much as possible. If you have arnica I'd probably give him some of that as well.


Even if it's broken there are limited things to be done other than pain pills, and if it hurts then he'll stay off of it more. If he gets worse I'd definitely go to the vet in the morning.


Feel better handsome Jack!

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Guest GreysAndMoreGreys
Sadie got the crinklies after her microchip and Spud had them after the dog attack. I think it is just air beneath the skin?

Definitely put ice on it. Keep him off it as much as possible. If you have arnica I'd probably give him some of that as well.


Even if it's broken there are limited things to be done other than pain pills, and if it hurts then he'll stay off of it more. If he gets worse I'd definitely go to the vet in the morning.


Feel better handsome Jack!


Agreed with the above. Normally when you here/feel a sort of crinkle and with swelling it's air under the skin.

What that says to me is he might have stepped on something, which is causing the swelling and the air under the skin.

Now to find where it is.

With a broken toe in order to get that crinkle sound it would have to be a compound fracture.


Infection is one of the first things to come to mind with an open area that is allowing air to seep in. So might be best to head to a vet just to get antibiotics.

Also a hosing down the area might help to disperse the fluid build up and lessen the swelling

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Guest 20PawsinAlaska

Inspected foot more carefully and found a 1/2" of reed poking out from between his two middle toes. Started pulling and about a 4" piece of reed came out of my boy. Uck. He wimpered a little but was brave. The hole it left freaked me out, so took him to vet who confirmed what all the GT folks said about air under the skin. Vet irrigated it, packed it, wrapped it and gave us Rymadil and antibotics. No stitches due to depth of hole. My Jack is resting now with his paw elevated.


Thanks everyone. I always appreciate the support and advice here.

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Oh owwwww! Poor guy that had to hurt. Glad you got him fixed up. Prayers for an uneventful healing.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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