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Teeth Cleaning

Guest Blaze

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Guest Blaze

Our new hounds are 5 and 8 yo already but have been very accepting of a daily routine for brushing. I just feel like putting doggie tootpaste isn't the best - feels like I'm putting goup on thier teeth - so I used a breath fresh (for dogs - chlorhexidine diluted) and they took it really well, but I heard that will yellow the teath. then I read a post (here) about HP, so I will try that. What about baking soda? And what about raw carrotts? Would carrots be ok as a treat and would you give it to them before or after brushing.


One more, I heard it's thier own salyva that is hard on thier teeth so is morning a better time to clean?


Dear Hannah already has no back uppers -

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Guest wjamg

I brush Peace's teeth daily, give her CET chews and just had a dental done five months ago. However, already her breath is horrid, her teeth yellow and coated with plaque..just don't know what to do about her mouth. She was a bounce and had not had a dental for three years when I got her, poor thing had four teeth pulled right away..it seems to me if they are cursed with bad teeth, it doesn't matter how diligant you are about caring for the teeth..yikes, I can only imagine how they would look if I didn't do anything!

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Why would you think using dog toothpaste is bad in some way? -- it's no more "goop" than the toothpaste you use on yourself. (In fact, I'm wondering why there isn't enzymatic toothpaste for humans like there is for dogs, it seems a more active formulation!)


My understanding is that it's food that generates the plaque, so I try to brush my dog's teeth after her last treats of the evening, the same as I'd do for myself if I were only brushing once a day.


I've also begun rubbing some Wysong Denta Treat on my dog's molars after I brush, and it seems to help. One tooth that looked a little grimy in a crevice even with brushing seems to be improving a bit.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest Blaze

I guess I feel the paste is goopy because they don't rinse like I do -


thanks for the feedback - even though I brush them everyday thier teeth look yellower and with brown patches and they both had them cleaned before we adopted - only two months ago. I will check out that gel - thanks.

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Even with DAILY brushing, Ruby still needs a dental yearly. :( She has gum disease. Since her most recent dental, in March, I have increased the brushing to TWICE daily...in the morning with CET vanilla mint, and in the evening with Petzlife. I DO take up the water as recommended on the bottle of Petzlife: no food or water 1/2 hour before AND after brushing.


I am hoping that with this twice-daily regimen, we can stretch out the dentals a little bit longer...but I'm not holding my breath.

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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Guest tumeria33

I use an enzymatic dog tooth paste. I also give Isis rawhide chews (supervised and natural rawhide made in America). After she works on a rawhide, her teeth are a lot cleaner. It also helps keep her gums healthy and she enjoys it!!

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Guest goodtimekid

Kid's teeth were cleaned almost 2 yrs ago when he came to live with us and we just had them cleaned again in March. He has terrible plague that the vet said is caused by food but mostly his saliva. We had them treated with Oravet gel and I apply it also at home weekly. His teeth are much better but I need to stay on it. It is more his gums not his teeth, So, I brush daily, treat weekly and clean yearly......

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Guest FullMetalFrank

The only thing that has worked to get my dog's teeth looking whiter and tartar and plaque free is raw meaty bones. I also brush a few times a week and use the Petzlife spray as a back-up. Frank needed a dental last year and the vet wanted us to schedule one; we tried raw feeding instead and at the next visit a few months later the vet decided a dental was no longer needed, and his teeth have continued to improve since. The brushing and the spray keep his teeth a little brighter looking but the real workhorse that keeps the tartar away is the raw bones. Also neither he nor Chelsa have dragon breath anymore. I don't know how much a raw or partially raw diet will help with gum disease; both of my dogs never progressed that far with their dental problems (knocks on wood) but I would imagine that it certainly couldn't hurt.

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Guest DebSzal

I use to use the doggie toothpastes and then realized that a paste of DentaTreat worked better and was cheaper. The dogs love it. I also sprinkle DentaTreat on their food every morning. I brush their teeth every night and do a rub of 1/2 tsp Listerine and 1/2 cup water. I make sure to massage the gums which my vet says is more helpful than brushing because it encourages blood flow. Gracie had a dental by the adoption agency in July 08 and I had to have another one done in December 08 (we adopted her in August 08 and I wasn't doing any dental stuff). After that dental, I began the regiment and so far we have held off the need for another dental.

I have also given the dogs turkey necks, which are messy but cheaper than bully sticks. I must admit her teeth were sparkling when she finished her treat.

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