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Scratching And Weird Twitching

Guest BarneysMom

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Guest BarneysMom

Barney is scratching and biting into his side and back a lot lately and when touching a certain spot on his back, there is a very weird twitch, like his skin or muscle is retracting. I am not sure how to describe it. We started to change his food last week, but I think the constant scratching and twitch started before that.

Does anyone have an idea what this could be?

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Sounds like allergies to me. I have had many a foster doing that. Try 2 Benedryl morning and evening and see if that helps.


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Guest BarneysMom
Sounds like allergies to me. I have had many a foster doing that. Try 2 Benedryl morning and evening and see if that helps.


Thank you... do you think the allergies could be food related though?

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Guest speedoketo

Could be food, flea, or environmental allergy. If you scratch a certain spot on my dog's back he'll do this weird shudder/shake of just his back muscles. Thats mostly just after I put advantix on him though which makes him itch like crazy so it doesn't worry me much. You can't tell whether its environmental or food just by noticing the symptoms.


This is an article that was posted on CNN this morning about pet allergies and how they're diagnosed/treated.

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Guest Spencers_Greyt
Sounds like allergies to me. I have had many a foster doing that. Try 2 Benedryl morning and evening and see if that helps.


Thank you... do you think the allergies could be food related though?


Maybe but you thought the weird twitching and scratching started before the new food didn't you? See if the Benedryl brings some relief.



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Guest BarneysMom

Yes, I am pretty sure it started before the food change. I will try the Benedryl.

I was reading more about allergies in dogs, and it does sound like that must be it. That article is also helpful.


Thank you both so much!

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Guest BarneysMom
My friend's grey starting doing the same thing, and it was thyroid related.


Barney is hypothyroid... I will probably give the vet a call as well.

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When after being on thyroid meds for quite some time, my friend's grey started all over again with the biting and scratching, and the meds did need to be increased. This may not be the case here, but it is worth a call to your vet, especially if you haven't had a thyroid check in a while. Good luck!


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