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Thinking Of My Mom...........


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My grandmother always said remember people you love on their birthday or a special day you shared, not the day they left but the days they lived. Tomorrow Mom would have been 87. Tomorrow Bob & I celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary. Today, Mom would have been having fun playing some kind of joke on me. I miss that. I miss picking up the phone to hear your voice - even if we were argueing.


I gave her a son in law for her birthday. Yes, we got married on Mom's birthday because I refused to get married on April Fools Day. We got married on her birthday in her house........ and boy does the story get better from here! Including me in the ER during the reception - I never did get any dinner or cake, honeymoon in a snow storm with mom instead of at the Falls and even Mom getting mooned by her new son in law on our wedding night! -


Those are the days we'll remember - that's why the date she left is left blank in the title. Love ya Mom.








Just one more song

Just one more dance

Just one more hug under the sun


We had today - but wished for tomorrow

Now we only have the past

Time was too short - too much to do

Now we only have wishes


Just one more song

Just one more dance

Just one more hug under the sun


The simple things that life showed us

We didn’t take time for

The simple times that life gave us

We didn’t use right


Just one more song

Just one more dance

Just one more hug under the sun


Time teaches hard lessons

We never seem to learn

Time gives us chances

We never seem to take


Just one more song

Just one more dance

Just one more hug under the sun


I’ll remember you in my song

I’ll remember you in my dance

I’ll miss your hugs under the sun






It’s just a rocker…..



Mom’s gone now….. time to clean out her house.

There it is…. It’s just a rocker that I don’t have the room for.

Someone will take it or it’ll go to a shelter for someone else to use….

Afterall…. It’s just a rocker.

Ruth will take it and the matching smaller one that was mine too…

That’s fine… ‘cause it’s just a rocker.

There it is…. in her home now…. my brother’s and his wife’s….

That’s good…. Since I didn’t have room for it.

It’s nothing special…. Black with a very worn red seat…..

It’s just an empty rocker.


There’s Molly snuggled up on the seat…. All comfy and warm.

That’s her rocker now….. it’s not empty anymore.

I remember sitting in my matching rocker next to Mom in hers…

It was New Year’s Eve and we had our hats on and our horns. We were

Eating the best steaks we could find in the store… that’s what we did

To celebrate. We ate a steak dinner at midnight and watched TV.

I remember sitting in Mom’s rocker holding my first nephew for the first time.

I remember Mom rocked child after child into a slumbered nap.

I remember holding my little baby Shantel – a poodle so small and tiny.

Now there’s Molly making her own memories in her own way.

But Mom’s gone some years, and Molly is too now.

But that rocker that has a home…. and I didn’t have room for it…

It isn’t as empty as it looks. It’s covered in fur and memories.

It’s more than just a rocker…. It’s a memory holder for all to share.



tmw 8 4 06



Tina dogmom to Rocket and Angels Cofax (my girl) 5/9/01-7/1/10(OS), ReRun (my boy)(4/18/95-4/19/07 Heart tumor)) Dedicating my life as much as I could - to keeping the smile alive of my Lambie Pie - lost 12/04 to Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever.... & then there's the hubby - Bob

.... http://www.freewebs.com/3nofleas/ .

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Guest SoulsMom



I know how you feel. One week ago marked three years since my Mom left this world. It still hurts and I still miss her, so much.


And I hear ya about those special days. My birthday is the day before my Mom's. Of course, we always celebrated together. And now, every year . . . .*sigh* Bittersweet.


Happy Birthday to your Mom :f_white

Edited by SoulsMom
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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Your grandmother was very wise! I always remember my mother on her birthday as well. I know you must miss yours as much as I miss mine!


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Guest snaphappy

My thoughts are definitely with you, and she's right. Those good memories about the good days are so wonderful! I got married on my parents' anniversary to keep them with us on that special day. Mom's birthday is always special to me, as is my dad's (it was the day I was due with my now 7yr old, too, but he decided to wait a couple extra days and hit my grandma's birthday instead).


Hugs to you.

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