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My Sam is to try desmopressin (eye drop form) for one week. If it helps him concentrate his urine he will have to continue to take it. I know it is also a human drug and it comes in a pill form. Has anyone ever heard of a dog taking it in a pill form and if yes, how do you convert dosage from eye drop to pill? Thanks for any input!



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Guest LindsaySF

Hi Becky,


Does the vet think Sam has Diabetes Insipidus? (Are you the person I exchanged emails with? Screen name looks familiar).


I heard that the pill form isn't as effective in dogs because their stomach acids destroy it. No clue if that is true or not, but my vet said eye drops, nasal sprays, or injections were the only options for my dog (Cody). I buy a human nasal spray at Costco and use them as eye drops.







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Yes Lindsey, I exchanged info with you about Sam before. I had him to the specialist again today and the doctor suspects DI so we are trying the desmo for a week and we will go from there. I am sure I can get used to the eye drop if I need too but Sam is a great pill taker so I thought I would explore that option. After talking with folks around here, desmopressin runs around $130 for a small bottle so I was hoping for a litte cheaper option but will do what is necessary. This is an odd question but is it difficult to use the human spray as a drop?

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Guest LindsaySF
This is an odd question but is it difficult to use the human spray as a drop?

Not at all. You just stick the medicine dropper into the bottle, no big deal.


The hardest part is cutting the nasal spray nozzle off the top of the bottle without slicing off your finger in the process! :blink:


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Guest Winterwish

I can only refer to my experience giving it to people,and have given it intranasally (which we stopped doing),and in pill form.


The small pill can be easily crushed between a folded paper towel and tapping it with the side of a little jar. About 2 ml. can be drawn up in a syringe and given in that small amount,so you know he got it all. (as opposed to adding it to food or water bowl).


I haven't given it as eye drops,and the reason was reports of inflammation in the eye,not saying it was widespread,just that that's why we never gave it like that.


That doesn't answer the question of how to convert the eye drop dose to pill,but that's a matter of the prescription,and how it would be dispensed.


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Oh boy, that sounds like it could be quite the challenge for someone like me who is often lacking coordination skills when I need them the most!!!


Lindsay, thanks for your help. I will see how Sam does over the next week. He drinks an average of 11.5 cups of water a day, which of course leads to a lot of peeing. He struggled yesterday when he was only allowed 7.25 cups as we were doing a water test with him over the weekend. Hopefully with the desmo he will be able to concentrate the urine and hold it a little longer.

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Guest Winterwish
I am sure I can get used to the eye drop if I need too but Sam is a great pill taker so I thought I would explore that option...



The pill doesn't have to be crushed at all,if you do begin to or try to use it in pill form. It can be given just as it is. 


But that's great you already got advice from another person and pup who uses it! 



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I can only refer to my experience giving it to people,and have given it intranasally (which we stopped doing),and in pill form.


The small pill can be easily crushed between a folded paper towel and tapping it with the side of a little jar. About 2 ml. can be drawn up in a syringe and given in that small amount,so you know he got it all. (as opposed to adding it to food or water bowl).


I haven't given it as eye drops,and the reason was reports of inflammation in the eye,not saying it was widespread,just that that's why we never gave it like that.


That doesn't answer the question of how to convert the eye drop dose to pill,but that's a matter of the prescription,and how it would be dispensed.



I never thought about the possibilty of inflammation, that is interesting.

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