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Strange White Bumps By Midsection Of Hip Girdle And Right Shoulder Bla

Guest Artemis

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Guest Artemis

Hi Everyone:


My greyhound I adopted came to us with several skin tags on her chest and neck which I had showed to my vet during her wellness exam and to which she was able to twist/pull off saying that these were benign. Some of the tags returned but lately, within the last 2 weeks, in petting my hound I found what appeared at first to me an infected hair follicule which I left alone last week only now to find that it looks like a bulbous white mole or raised lesion. This raised bump which measures under a 1/4th of an inch in diameter is located in the center area of the hip girdle. In looking at it this morning, I felt another one of these bumps starting to grow to the left of the 1/4th inch bump, again looking very much like the larger bump which grew from last week.


Does anyone know what this is called and the potential for problems. I have an appointment with my vet for this upcoming Friday, but I have no experience with skin lesions of this sort with greyhounds and wanted to be as informed as possible. My greyhound is a small black beauty weighing 49 pounds and is 3-years and 10-months old. She is not a licker nor does she bite herself. She has some separation anxiety and was started on Reconcile (32 mg) with some improvement in her anxiety. I feed her a raw diet, twice a day consisting of a raw turkey neck/chicken breast (7 oz), with steamed veggies of brocolli, carrots, zucchini and squash (4 oz) and pasta (3 oz). She is getting a skin and coat supplement called "Ultra Oil" which is an omega 3-6-9 compostion, one tab of a daily multi vitamin and mineral and joint supplement, and Soloxine (0.75 mg) per day. Her thyroid panels have been normal with her medication.


Thanks to all who reply.

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