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Face Wound

Guest VelvetEars

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Guest VelvetEars

Last Sat (10/25), I got home from a business trip, and Jackson did his usual excited zoomies around the yard and doing fly-bys of Jumpy, who stands in the middle of the yard and "supervises" before she gives in and gives chase.


On Sunday, DS pointed out "something" on Jackson's face. What looked, at the time, like a bite ---- probably Jumpy nipped at him as he ran by and pulled open the skin. It had scabbed over (very icky). I soaked it with warm water on a wash cloth a few times to try to get a better look, and took him to the vet Monday.


Vet said he didn't want to open it back up and possibly make it worse, so he sent us home w/ a week of antibiotics. I've also been putting a mixture of aloe and lavender essential oil on it every once in awhile. It's about inch long, maybe more, above his mough and back a little, if that makes sense.


Yesterday, the wound started peeling .... dried blood and matted hair came off. (And yes, it was disgusting because he kept wiping it on me.) So now it's open and oozing. No obvious signs of infection that I can tell. I tried bandaging it yesterday to keep it covered/clean, but he looked like a Normal Rockwell painting of the kid who bandaged his dog. Jax had the saddest, most humiliated expression on his face. And as soon as I turned my back, the bandages were off.


Any other suggestions? His last dose of antibiotics is today. Vet is closed today. Could possibly get an appt for tomorrow night if I'm lucky, but that's the soonest he could be re-checked.

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Guest guinness_the_greyt

If its just viscus (sp?) fluid... ooze that's clear or slightly bloody looking.... I would let it continue to heal on it's own.


Its my understanding that its better to have it in open air then covered... I'm sure it's itchy and that could contribute to it not healing as quickly. When Guinn has his incident at the groomers he wanted to rub his face constantly which was a battle.


Also you know when you pull a scab off how a wound looks worse then it is... Sounds like you pulled his scab off... hopefully he can leave it alone so it will heal. Wish I could have seen a picture of you trying to wrap his face! :lol Poor guy! The humiliation! :P


Hugs to Jackson! :grouphug

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Guest Winterwish

It might be just as well the bandage doesn't stay on so air gets to it for healing. You're doing a great job at tending to it,hopefully in another day it'll look much better.

Do you have a little fan you can put on low when he lays down? That may help dry it up a bit. Then the aloe to at the same time keep it moist and healthy- good idea on using aloe Meredith. Only other thing I can think of is squeezing a dot of vitamin E on it?



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It sounds normal to me. If it had a big scab, it is normal for that dead tissue (with hair) to fall off. And yes, it is normal for it to be bleeding if it came off a bit too soon. I wouldn't bother bandaging it or anything. Just wipe it down with a clean cloth if necessary but other than that, just leave it alone. It should be smaller than the initial wound now right? It will close from the outside edges first so hopefully the wound is shrinking. Heads bleed a lot which may make it look worse than it is. I would just keep cleaning it with a clean cloth once a day and if necessary...use a bit of Betadine if it looks like it may be getting dirty. Other than that....leave it be....it will close. A bit of oozing is normal as long as it isn't pus looking (thick, greeny/yellow colour, and smelly).

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Guest VelvetEars

I was at the office all day, and tonight it looks waaaay better than last night and this morning.


Fingers crossed it continues to improve!

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Guest EmilyAnne

My dermatologist told me that aloe causes cuts to take longer to heal. It's good for soothing rashes and stuff, but is not good for cuts. This however is a topic of debate among dermatologists so you may get different answers on that.


Hope it continues to improve! :)

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Guest FullMetalFrank

If he is bothering it with his back paw (scratching at it) you can put a baby sock over the paw and tape in place so he can't catch it with a claw. Sounds like it is starting to get better, though, that is good.

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