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Pepcid Dosing Frequency?

Guest Greensleeves

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Guest Greensleeves

Nelly's on Pepcid twice a day for the stomach upset from her kidney disease. We've been giving it at 6 am and 6 pm. She usually eats lunch around noon and dinner around 8. The last couple of days she hasn't eaten much/any lunch, and we're wondering if the Pepcid is maybe starting to wear off just a little by the time she has lunch, and if we should be giving it a little closer to the time she eats. We've already tried turning her lunch to breakfast, and she wasn't interested. She's also getting Tums at usually 6 hour intervals between the Pepcid doses. Is it OK to move the doses a little? Is there a reason it has to be given twice a day, and not, say, four times a day in smaller doses? Can it be broken up into smaller doses more frequently?


(Confused, as a month ago I didn't even realize you could take it more than once a day...)



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Guest Greensleeves

Excellent, thanks!! (She wolfed down dinner, and then did a crazy happy dance that sent the trash can into the next room. Then she came back and lay down in the spilled rice from dinner. :rolleyes. And now she's having some more. :D)

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