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Why Is She Squinting?

Guest Greensleeves

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Guest Greensleeves

As I'm sure absolutely everyone on Greytalk knows by now :lol, Nelly has been diagnosed with kidney failure. One thing we've noticed over the last couple of weeks is that occasionally she'll sit and pant slightly, with her eyes kind of squinted shut. We're wondering if she's in pain somewhere--but she'll also do this when she's happy. So we're stumped.


Anyone else have hounds that squint?

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Guest VanillaBean

I have an Iggy that squints. His pupils are constantly dilated. They can't figure out what is wrong with him yet though. Glaoucoma and detached retina have been ruled out. They think it has to do with pain, most likely from his mouth or sinuses.


Good luck!

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Guest SkinnyLegDogLover

Maybe with the kidney problems, she is dehydrated and her eyes are dry? Or she just might have something in her eye or a turned eyelash? Is she actually squinting or just half closing her eyes? Sorry, too many questions. But sometimes my old man just sits upright and almost shuts his eyes, smiling. I think he's tired but scared to miss something. :lol (Like a treat)

Hope your girl feels better.

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

are you doing sub-q fluid treatment (ringers solution)? My kitty has had early stages of kidney failure for the last 2 years, she has been on 200cc's of ringers solution every other day. I give the treatment myself, it ensures she stays hydrated, and is a LOT cheaper than having the vet do it.

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