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First Aid For Groundhog Bites?

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DD saw a goundhog (woodchuck to me) in the backyard so I let Greta out to chase it away--well, the idiot critter tried to go OVER the 6' fence instead of under it (there was plenty of space and that's how it got in)! Needless to say, Greta grabbed it off the fence and started chomping, and it chomped right back. I'm glad I grabbed a shovel as I followed her because it was the only way to separate them! I then used it to kill the groundhog since I didn't know how injured it was and it was the only way to keep Greta from grabbing it again.


Greta has bites on both sides of her lips and jaw. I swabbed her entire head with disinfectant and washed off all the bites I could find. She is already on pain med. for arthritis. Is there anything I haven't thought of?


BTW don't spend any sympathy for Greta--she is thrilled with the sucsessful hunt! Though, admittedly, not the the disinfectant :lol !

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Guest Scouts_mom

Oh my. What a mighty hunter Greta is! ;)


If the wounds aren't deep enough to need stitches, I think you did everything that I would do. Monday, you might want to call your vet and see if they recommend antibiotics. I have no idea if groundhog bites are like cat bites and get infected easily.

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Even if she's had a rabies shot, the vet may want to give her a booster. If she hasn't, it would be a good idea to bring her in right away.

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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The wounds don't need stiches though I think one goes right through her lip--it is closed and not in a location where it it likely to be pulled open. Her rabies vacines are up-to-date! I will keep a close watch on her and if she is in too much discomfort or there is swelling, off we will go to the vet!


greynut: she just got a rabies booster a couple weeks ago.

Edited by JaneW
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Guest IrskasMom



Ohhh ..... I hope Greta is allright. I am always afraid of that,when I let mine out sometimes in the middle of the Night and

I know we have Racoon's behind us in the Woods. Give her some extra Hugs and Ear Screeches from me. :grouphug:grouphug

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Guest Cris_M

I'm glad she is basically okay. Still, I would go to ther vet and get some antibiotics. Animal bites are teeming with bacteria. By the time Greta starts showing symptoms, you will have lost a lot of time getting things under control.


(If you have a good relationship with your vet, he may be willing to call in a prescription for her at one of the $4 places -- Kroger, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Publix, etc. That would save you the cost of an office visit.)

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Guest VelvetEars

The other thing I would do is get a small bottle of lavender essential oil and dab it on the bites 1-2x/day. It's a natural antiseptic/antibiotic and will help the healing go faster.

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Guest nerak254

My angel Jessica decided to take a Woodchuck on once too. Woodchuck 1/Jessica 0. $600 later, she needed stitches which had to be done over twice .

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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes

Even if her shots are up to date, get a booster. If there's any chance of rabies and Greta does contract it, it's too late once she shows any symptoms.



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