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Mosquito Repellant-- Anyone Ever Use Listerine?

Guest sorenkkg

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Guest sorenkkg

I heard about this on the radio, and after looking it up (and knowing it won't *kill* mosquitos) but might help repel them-- I wanted to see if anyone else has tried this, and if the general concensus thinks this is a safe alternative to "Off"-- which I don't want to spray directly on the pups, or on their (lovely) collars-- and they don't wear bandanas...


I've been using Listerine in a spray bottle (the regular medicinal stuff)-- the ingredients are primarily: menthol, thymol, methyl salicylate, and eucalyptol. Ethanol is present in concentrations of26.9% in the original gold Listerine.

I know the eucalyptol is sometimes a "natural" bug repellant, the menthol is basically mint, and the other 2 are cleansers/antiseptics.


so-- the ethanol basically evaporates off immediately, and they get a very light spray-- and both my husband (who does the early morning and night time walks) and I (who does the late afternoon walk) have notice the mosquitos do seem to stay away from the pups for the duration of our walks.


I spray lightly, down the back, a bit on the sides-- not areas they lick much (they're more of feet/groin lickers :rolleyes: )...


All this to say-- I've been seeing good results in the past couple weeks, but do we think there is a long-term (over the summer) potential for something bad to happen? It's just sooooo buggy here this year! :unsure


Let me know what you think!




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Guest sorenkkg

LOL -- it reminds me of my grandfather actually-- so now the dogs smell like old men? :P


actually, it seems to wear off fast enough.... does anyone see this as a potentially harmful thing? I don't think it is though :unsure:

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(and knowing it won't *kill* mosquitos) but might help repel them-- I wanted to see if anyone else has tried this, and if the general concensus thinks this is a safe alternative to "Off"--


... but do we think there is a long-term (over the summer) potential for something bad to happen? It's just sooooo buggy here this year! :unsure


Let me know what you think!




This is what I got in an email quite a while ago: (abbreviated a bit, comments from 2 parties)


First comment: The best way of getting rid of mosquitoes is Listerine, the original medicinal type. The Dollar Store-type works, too. ... A man ...sprayed the lawn and deck floor with Listerine, and the little demons disappeared... I ... used it around my seat ... worked at a picnic where we sprayed ... around the food table, the ... swing area, and the standing water nearby.


Second comment: I tried this on my deck and around all of my doors. It works - in fact, it killed them instantly.... It will last a couple of days. Don't spray directly on a wood door (like your front door), but spray around the frame. Spray around the window frames, and even inside the dog house if you have one.


My questions would be 1) which one is accurate: the mosquitoes "disappeared" or "it killed them instantly"? :blink: and 2) why does the commenter say "Don't spray directly on a wood door" -- what does it do to the door? peel the paint? :unsure


I too would be concerned about long term, which is why I don't use Bounce sheets, even though they work. I'd like to use my fogger, but don't know what it's affect would be either. Note that none of the recommendations were to spray skin.


A few years ago, we were visiting friends, and Dad was liberally applying OFF to the kids. The next day in the entire area where he had sprayed the kids, the grass was deader than a doornail! :eek I would guess it's safer than OFF, but how much safer?


I'd be interested in hearing more information about this too!


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Chloe absolutely FLIPS when there are mosqutoes by her cha cha so I take a wet paper towel with skin so soft spray, spray the wet paper towel so it's diluted and wipe it around her thighs. She is a much happier camper on walks in the summer months!



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest md7nd

yeah, Nina goes nuts when they are around her.... cha cha...haha! dont know why i find that funny...anyways, she's to funny to watch outdoors, but we were wondering what to get to help her cause we really want to take her camping and stuff

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Guest paulamariez

Two of my vets in the past recommended using the pump spray Family Version only of Off! repellent. Apply by spraying on your hand and wiping on their back, rear area and a bit on the top of the head. In areas they won't be licking. The vets said, if it's safe to apply on human childrens skin, it's safe to apply to the fur of our hounds. We've done it this way for years without any problems or reactions and it certainly does help keep away the flies and mosquitoes!

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Guest rosebudd
Two of my vets in the past recommended using the pump spray Family Version only of Off! repellent. Apply by spraying on your hand and wiping on their back, rear area and a bit on the top of the head. In areas they won't be licking. The vets said, if it's safe to apply on human childrens skin, it's safe to apply to the fur of our hounds. We've done it this way for years without any problems or reactions and it certainly does help keep away the flies and mosquitoes!

Actually that still has Deet in it and Deet is not good for the pups (so I read) I use bite blocker for animals, I also use bite blocker for us. It is deet free and made of plant oils and extracts. It works great!! It also works for ticks and black flies. I love the stuff.

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