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Diamond Jack And Diamond Jim

Guest GreytMuse

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Guest greytfulhounds

Oh, no!! :cry1 This is so sad. Hope the boys are running & playing, carefree up at the Bridge. Prayers going out to Daddy Duke that he makes a complete recovery. :hope



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Guest jerrybird

Thanks for the update on these boys. I've been following the thread and hope that Daddy Duke gets well. Bless your hearts for doing this needed work.

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Guest greyt2love

Any updates on Daddy Duke ? It's maybe too early to know anything yet, but I've been following this since way back when they were fighting to keep those darling little puppy boys alive and I keep praying that Daddy makes it through to good health !!

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Guest p51crazyhorse

there is an update on Daddy Duke a few posts up (look for my siggie)


to give a short update...... this upcoming week he will go in for another round of heartworm treatment but otherwise he is just a happy boy, not sick in anyway and obviously no one told him the heartworm positive greys are supposed to be sickly and lethargic...... he tries to play a little with my schnauzer and loves all the attention. He is a BIG boy and when he wants to be loved on while I am petting Cabot and Streamer (previously thought to be BIG by me) he SHOVES them out of the way with his big ol head or hips! he is funny and absolutly LOVES my daughter (shes 3) he is the first to her bedside when it is time for her to tell the dogs goodnight. We have had a setback on housetraining and he is back in bellybands and has improved, he is still "intact" until his treatments are over so there is still a lot of "boy" habits we have to work with. he is a sweetie though and sleeps in our bedroom with all the other dogs now and he loves it. thankyou all for your thoughts and prayers, they have helped this wonderful boy!

Holly-GALT Injured Reserve Foster Mommy

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