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Kennel Cough Again?

Guest SillyIzzysMom

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Guest SillyIzzysMom

We've had Izzy for about 2 months. A couple weeks after she came home, she started this strange cough followed by a gag (no barfing just a gag noise). It lasted about a week and stopped. The vet said it was probably a very mild case of Bordatella, since often the vacinations aren't completely effective. Since it went away I didn't worry at all. Now she's doing it again. . .surely we're not talking Kennel cough again, right? I mean how many times can a dog get this? It doesn't seem to bother her at all--she's still eating fine.


She does seem to have some mild alergies (scratching at her face a little, licking legs) and the vet said I could give her benadryl. I haven't because we've just been going through ANOTHER round of worming meds and I just hated to give her tummy anything else to deal with. But now we're done with that (until two weeks from now) so I could do the benadryl, I suppose.


Anybody have a clue? Could it be alergies? I hate to take her to the vet (again) if I don't have to--it's starting to be an expensive habit. Since she doesn't seem to care about her cough. . .what do you guys think?


If y'all think I should try benadryl--anybody know the dose for a 66 pound beauty?

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If she's itching, give her the benedryl. I don't know where you live but in Houston, tree allergies are high especially oak and one I cannot remember right this instance :lol Gakking could be allergies. Did the vet check her last time?


Mizzy is on Tavist1 year round (generic) and gets benedryl too on bad days.

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Guest CBDTherapyDogs

It could be an allergy... but it could be bordetella. Bordetella/kennel cough is canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis, aka bronchitis. Just like you or me, we can shake bronchitis and it goes away... or it comes back and we have to take antibiotics for it.


The benedryl and deworming medicine will not cause an upset stomach no more than you or I taking pepto bismal and benedryl. If you're not going to take her to the vet for antibiotics, at least give her some Vit C, echenasea, and honey to help boost her immune system to fight it.

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Guest SillyIzzysMom

Ah man. . .antibiotics? Sigh.


Poor Izzy has had constant bad runny poo since we adopted her 2 months ago. Just this week have we finally gotten things solid--having cleared up worms (again!) and found a food that seems to agree with her tummy. (Eagle Pack Holistic salmon) I hear "antibiotics" and all I can think of is---here we go again.


We were just at the vet last week--for an ear check (Iz had a super red-ear a couple weeks ago and had been on ear-drops to clear it up) and the vet looked her over and listened here and there. Then a couple days later, the hacking begins. I think we've been in to see the vet 3 or 4 times in the two months she's been home. I'm a little worried that the vet is starting to suspect that I have a "thing" for him :rolleyes:


It could be allergiges--we're in Tyler and we have plenty of trees--although, it sure sounds just like the hack hack hack gag thing she did last time. I guess I'll call the vet tomorrow and ask his opinion on to treat or to just wait and see if it will clear up on it's own like it did last time (or did it?? maybe not since it's back a month later!). Izzy is eating fine. I haven't taken her temp--I don't know if i even have a rectal thermometer around here anymore (kids are all older.) She may be a little lethargic, but it's hard to say. With the exception of today we've had a lot of rain so there hasn't been much outside play-fetch or fun-walkies around here. We're all a little lethargic! But she did go on a walk today and seemed to enjoy it--ate two meals--but did nap quite a bit. Unfortunately, I just don't feel like I've had her long enough to really be able to "read" how she's feeling yet so it's hard to say if she's acting perfectly normal or not.


If I do try some benadryl for alergies--what's the dose for a 66 pound dog--anyone know?




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