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Guest pjsjazzy

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Guest pjsjazzy

Pepper has allergies and was constantly licking her feet and elbows to the point of bleeding. After several vet visits, Pepper is currently taking Atopica. There has been improvement with this medicine (even though she still licks a little), but it is very expensive $6.00 a pill. There is a compounding pharmacy in our neighborhood that can make the medicine for about 1/2 the price. However I don't like the idea of keeping her on this medication for the rest of her life (Pepper is 4) due to the long term side effects. Accroding to our vet Atopica is safer than steriods and must be taken continuously, not just when there is a flare up. I was wondering if anybody has tried any natural supplements to help with allergies. I've been researching this and there seems to be a variety of natural remedies available, but I'm hesitant to start something that may cause more problems. Peppers allergies are definitely skin related and she will be fine until the pollen count goes up. She also has trouble with the pesticides used on lawns. Unfortunately those chemicals are necessary in Florida.




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Guest BlackandBrindle

Are there pesticides in your lawn? I would suggest trying to find natural alternatives if so to help cut down on the allergies.


I've never heard of homeopathic allergy medicines for dogs, but I use bee pollen when my allergies are bad.


What are the long term side effects of Atopica?

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Hi Pat,


One very important thing, do not discontinue the Atopica without consulting your vet. It has been awhile since I had to do the research, but if I remember right-you can't just go cold turkey on this one either. The steriods and the steroid/antihisimine mixture can't be stopped without weaning off the doseage and I believe it is the same for the Atopica.


I did try homeopathic remedies for my allergy hound, but his allergies were so severe that it didn't help him and it turned out he was allergic to fillers in pills among other things.


I am a firm believer in homeopathy, but in the case of Atopica vs the natural route-the Atopica is going to block the results if any of the homeopathic medicine. I think this is one case where you need to consult your vet before proceeding.


Good luck with your pup though. Allergies are an awful thing.

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Guest pjsjazzy

Yikes - thanks for the reminder that I can't stop cold turkey with the Atopica. The vet did tell me that. I like the idea of checking with the lawn company about using natural alternatives. There are pesticides in the lawn - treated every month. Long term affects of Atopica are liver damage and severe gum disease - the gums actually grow over the teeth!


Thanks for the suggestions


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