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Grumbily Tummy

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My mom sent me a package for my birthday. It USED to have a chocolate bar in it. (I wish she would have told me there was food in there :rolleyes: ) The chocolate bar is now in Fenway's tummy. He ate it around 9pm last night. He has the runs this AM and now his tummy is making loud angry noises. Should I feed him a small amount of food? I have no rice or bread in the house or I'd just go that route.



Edited by gracegirl

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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what kind of chocolate was it? If it was milk chocolate, he will be ok, except for soft poops.....otherwise he's probably hungry.

According to what I understood from my mom on the phone at 2am (we were both a bit groggy)...it was a small bar of milk chocolate. I knew it wasn't enough to be toxic. Now I just have to deal with the runs.


I wouldn't worry unless he's acting really out of sorts. A small meal would probably be quite welcome!

I gave him a bit of food and some pasta this AM. He's acting just fine now, running around per usual. He'll get his regular dinner tonight, mixed with some rice.


Thanks for the responses....this is the first time any of my dogs have gotten chocolate. I knew the amount/type was not enough to be toxic, but didn't know what else to do! I appreciate it.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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