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Dermatologists At Osu?

Guest LittleGreys

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Guest LittleGreys

Has anyone had one of their dogs treated by Dr Hillier at OSU? I am thinking that is who Bodie sees??

He is seeing my girl, Razz, in 2 weeks. She is losing hair and has my vet (and me!!) completely baffled and feeling very frustrated. She is losing hair at an alarming rate, I fear she may be totally bald by the time he sees her! My vet says that is good, we want him to see her at her worst, but I don't want a bald dog!! Poor girl will never be able to go to GiG!! (She loves the candlelight Ghost tours.......maybe in the dark no one will notice she is bald, LOL!!)


Awesome news is that Dr Hillier is coming to the vet clinic where I work and is doing free consults, so I don't have to drive to OSU and I don't have to pay, doesn't get any better than that!! I just pray that he knows what it is.....and that it is fixable.


Just wondering if anyone has any experience with Dr Hillier........

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Has anyone had one of their dogs treated by Dr Hillier at OSU? I am thinking that is who Bodie sees??


Bodie has seen Dr. Hillier, but not on a regular basis. His regular derm/vet at OSU is Dr. Schissler, who has consulted with Dr. Hillier about Bodie. I understand that Dr. Hillier is very well respected in his field, so I think it's worth a shot. Did he help Bodie? No, not really, but then no one has truly ever diagnosed what is wrong with Bodie. There seems to be an ongoing "disagreement" between OSU dermatologists who say it is some undiagnosable form of pemphigus and his derm/vet from Gaithersburg, MD, Dr. Jeffers, (a colleague of Dr. Hillier's) who is certain that Bodie has allergies. Me, I don't know what he has, all I care is that the last cream tried by Dr. Jeffers seems to work on whatever Bodie has.


I'd give Dr. Hillier a try - he seems very well respected by everyone.

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Guest greytmonty

I see that you live in PA, and I am not sure where. I wouldn't recommend U Penn over OSU as OSU is tops, but Monty is getting fantastic care from a derm vet at U Penn. If that is closer PM me and I can give you more information.

good luck!

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Guest TBSFlame
Has anyone had one of their dogs treated by Dr Hillier at OSU? I am thinking that is who Bodie sees??

He is seeing my girl, Razz, in 2 weeks. She is losing hair and has my vet (and me!!) completely baffled and feeling very frustrated. She is losing hair at an alarming rate, I fear she may be totally bald by the time he sees her! My vet says that is good, we want him to see her at her worst, but I don't want a bald dog!! Poor girl will never be able to go to GiG!! (She loves the candlelight Ghost tours.......maybe in the dark no one will notice she is bald, LOL!!)


Awesome news is that Dr Hillier is coming to the vet clinic where I work and is doing free consults, so I don't have to drive to OSU and I don't have to pay, doesn't get any better than that!! I just pray that he knows what it is.....and that it is fixable.


Just wondering if anyone has any experience with Dr Hillier........

Maybe it will be chilly enough for a coat. :lol:lol

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Guest rsqdogsmom

My Dobe saw Dr. Hillier at OSU a few years ago for a weird winter skin itchiness.

$1200.00 worth of tests LATER he had NERVE enough to say to me:


" Well, I think he's ALLERGIC to something. Maybe his food?" !!!!! :eek:blink::angryfire




I tried him on EVERY exclusionary food there was, at the time, to NO avail.

He just looses fur on the back of his ears and is itchy from the time the furnace gets turned on,

in Nov. until the end of March.

He gets 3 Benadryl 3 times a day for these months.


I was NOT pleased with the Dermatology dept @ OSU.

NOT like someplace ELSE could have done better, necessarily, it was just his ATTITUDE.

Like, what did I EXPECT??



Pissed me off.

$1200.00!! :unsure

Edited by rsqdogsmom
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Guest LittleGreys

Thanks for everyone's input. I guess my big fear is waiting another 2 weeks until she is in dreadful shape and then him not knowing what it is. Of course, not much I can do in the meantime, either a skin biopsy or going to another specialist, I guess.

I am already not a fan of OSU anyways.


I seriously am afraid to take her to GiG as I'm sure we'll get some nasty looks. She looks like she has mange (she doesn't!!) The only decent hair she has left is on her back, the only part of her that her coat covers! Her legs and head are bald, poor girl. She'll have to get some long-legged PJs. :rolleyes:


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Guest greytmonty
Thanks for everyone's input. I guess my big fear is waiting another 2 weeks until she is in dreadful shape and then him not knowing what it is. Of course, not much I can do in the meantime, either a skin biopsy or going to another specialist, I guess.

I am already not a fan of OSU anyways.


I seriously am afraid to take her to GiG as I'm sure we'll get some nasty looks. She looks like she has mange (she doesn't!!) The only decent hair she has left is on her back, the only part of her that her coat covers! Her legs and head are bald, poor girl. She'll have to get some long-legged PJs. :rolleyes:

where in PA?

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Guest LittleGreys
Thanks for everyone's input. I guess my big fear is waiting another 2 weeks until she is in dreadful shape and then him not knowing what it is. Of course, not much I can do in the meantime, either a skin biopsy or going to another specialist, I guess.

I am already not a fan of OSU anyways.


I seriously am afraid to take her to GiG as I'm sure we'll get some nasty looks. She looks like she has mange (she doesn't!!) The only decent hair she has left is on her back, the only part of her that her coat covers! Her legs and head are bald, poor girl. She'll have to get some long-legged PJs. :rolleyes:

where in PA?

I am north of Pittsburgh, south of Erie, near the Ohio line.

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Guest greytmonty
Thanks for everyone's input. I guess my big fear is waiting another 2 weeks until she is in dreadful shape and then him not knowing what it is. Of course, not much I can do in the meantime, either a skin biopsy or going to another specialist, I guess.

I am already not a fan of OSU anyways.


I seriously am afraid to take her to GiG as I'm sure we'll get some nasty looks. She looks like she has mange (she doesn't!!) The only decent hair she has left is on her back, the only part of her that her coat covers! Her legs and head are bald, poor girl. She'll have to get some long-legged PJs. :rolleyes:

where in PA?

I am north of Pittsburgh, south of Erie, near the Ohio line.

If your travel time to Philly is lower than to OSU please consider U Penn. I am reading about OSU's derm stuff on this thread and I am underwhelmed.

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Guest LittleGreys

If your travel time to Philly is lower than to OSU please consider U Penn. I am reading about OSU's derm stuff on this thread and I am underwhelmed.


I am not going to OSU, Dr Hillier is coming here. U Penn is about 6 hours away, I will go somewhere closer if I need to.



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Guest LittleGreys

Argh. Just got a phone call that the derm consults we had scheduled are being cancelled. They're very sorry. Great. Not only is MY dog cancelled, now *I* have to call the clients I had scheduled and tell them that they are cancelled too. I'm sure they will be very happy to hear that. I am just so mad. It's not like I even set this up, THEY called ME asking if we would participate. I can only assume that something better has come along for them to cancel us. No offer to reschedule, just cancelled. One more strike against OSU in my book.


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Guest greytmonty
Argh. Just got a phone call that the derm consults we had scheduled are being cancelled. They're very sorry. Great. Not only is MY dog cancelled, now *I* have to call the clients I had scheduled and tell them that they are cancelled too. I'm sure they will be very happy to hear that. I am just so mad. It's not like I even set this up, THEY called ME asking if we would participate. I can only assume that something better has come along for them to cancel us. No offer to reschedule, just cancelled. One more strike against OSU in my book.

Please PM me and I will give you the info on U Penn. It is a big drive but our derm vet is the best. Maybe you can meet some of us Philly GT;ers at the same time too

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Guest LittleGreys

Thanks for the offer. I know Penn is good, I have a good friend who was a tech there, she knows the Drs really well.

It is just not do-able with time and money, and I absolutely cannot get days off work until at least the end of April anyways.

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