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Thank You Greytluck (carolyn From Toronto)!

Guest greymomx2

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Guest greymomx2

Carolyn, Hobbes, Ziggy, Grasshopper, and Dennis - thank you SO much for your incredibly generous SS gifts. Both the feline and human :rolleyes: gifts were very well received.


Pumpkin's, Sweetie's, and Gypsy's awesome goodies, which came in a very cute stocking, included a laser chaser toy, 2 bags of treats (including feline greenies - didn't know they made those. They will be put to good use!), mice with catnip, larger soft and squishy mice with adorable tails, a wooley bully mouse :lol , and this FABULOUS white octopus-looking dangly thing with red and white feathers hanging off the ends of the tenticals. I think it's made to go over a doorknob, but Gypsy was busy dragging it around and I didn't have a chance to hang it up.


I received a really cool parody book about dogs that I will find time to read soon, and two bars of Godiva chocolate :chocolate


And so, without further ado...


What CUTE wrapping paper!




My gift :D (book and chocolate bars)






Pumpkin checks out the goods, then chooses his first victim






Gypsy attacks the dangly thing





Phwew mom, all this playing has worn me out!


Edited by greymomx2
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This is so cute! I'm glad everyone convinced you to enter your cats in SS and that your SS 'got into it' and did such a greyt job! The pictures are wonderful!

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Guest greymomx2
This is so cute! I'm glad everyone convinced you to enter your cats in SS and that your SS 'got into it' and did such a greyt job! The pictures are wonderful!


I know, I'm so happy people convinced me to enter them; I really didn't want the person who got assigned my cats to be bummed about them not being greyhounds (or even canines :lol ), but obviously the perfect SS was chosen for us :blush Carolyn and her kitties did a *fantastic* job :D

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