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Thank Roo, Greyhoundlov And Gidge!

Guest TippyTy

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Guest kgildea

I finally got to open my pressies! I had to wait *days*-- the outrage!!! :POed (Momma goes to school during the day and Daddy works at night. Daddy wanted to wait until we were all together and he finally had a day off yesterday. :yay ) Then Momma tried to take piccies of me with my stuff! :eek I hate that flashy thing. (Didjoo know it sucks out your soul?) So, I ran and hid in the closet and then the bathroom and then the closet again. She kept trying and trying and trying but I was victorious!! She never caught me with the goodz. But I did get lots of treats while she tried-- heh, heh, heh, all part of my plan B) .


I got *cool* stuff. And Mommy got some cool stuff too. But really, let's face it, it's ALL mine. Here's MY loot.



Freeze dried ice cream treats (*chatters*), a purrrrrtty pink collar, a ruby slipper (which I've been trying to tear the heel off of)... and bully sticks! Yum. I've been wanting to try those. Momma says, maybe now I'll stop chewing the power cords off her "most prized possessions". Whatever that means.


Momma thinks my "pet" hedgehog is too funny. She says it looks like a mini version of the 'hog that my big brother Guinness got from his SS. Even sounds mini too. She calls them mini-'hog and mama-'hog. Momma giggles because she thinks it's fitting that I got a mini-'hog since I'm a mini-dog (just 51-lbs. thank roo very much!). But whatever, I just like to pounce on 'em and make 'em squeal!! :gmark




Thank Roo, Greyhoundlov and Gidge! A very Merry Xmas to you!



Human P.S.-- Mary, thank you sooooo much for everything! Very thoughtful. The candle smells awesome and the stationary is just too cute! Now as for the socks.... between Honey trying to play with them and DH threatening to steal them, I may not stand a chance. :D Happy Holidays!

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