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Sheana Says Thank You To Momofsweetpotatoes

Guest greybookends

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Guest greybookends

I gotz mi pakage yesterday. It wuz full ob alkindz ob nice and yummy stuffz. I gotz a lubberlee , warm and soft red blankee. I gotz 2 nu stuffeez ( momma put dem away fer now cuz Huey iz home) and lotz ob yummee treets and I alredy gotz a new red koller befor. Momma sez thank u fer the yummee treetz fer her az well. She also sed she iz also wating to send owt somting fer r peeplez cuz da postman hazn't got it heer yet.



Da lubberlee Mrs. Sheana

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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes

Merry Christmas Miss Sheana. I hope you liked everything. I tried to keep most of your stuff red, except the toys - I know you said Huey has been on a rampage. :rolleyes.



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