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Eddie, Abby, And Kira Say "thank Rooooooo" Ss

Guest formercatlady

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Guest formercatlady

Deew Mizz Donna,


Thank rooo so much fow all of our prezzies. You dint have to send the stinkin kittehs nuffin, but Momma lubs her pen and candy :chocolate

Wees be tired fwom pwaying wif our toys and eating all da yummie treats, but Momma sez she will post pikshures soon.


Love and :kiss2 ,


Eddie, Abby & Kira

Edited by formercatlady
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Guest dwolfe711

So glad you received your package and liked all the goodies - of course your kitties needed some prezzies too!! Don't eat all the treaties at one time!! We don't want any bellyaches!!


Donna, Ripley, Allie, Ellie and foster Apollo

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