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Thank You So Much, Danielle Das1075

Guest K9Cookies

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Thank you so much! And, I just realized that you don't even have a hound of your own yet...that's torture :eek. Our gang loved the hats and I'm saving the toys 'til Christmas because they'll be destroyed in no time. :blink:


I put the toys in their stockings. They are just the right size! (we'll see how long it takes for one of them to jump up and get at them! :P)



Gracey says "Hey, these are kind of fun and cute!"



Oh, the horror...please, Mom, take it off



Bonnie realized there was a bouncy ball at the end and tried to play



Getting treats



Looking greyt and decked out for Christmas!



Thanks again Danielle! I hope you have a greyt Christmas. When is the big day??? Do you already have a dog picked out or are you waiting for the right one to come along? I have so many questions!!! It's greyt that you've already found GT. There's so much information available, plus it's so nice to stay on top of things. Good Luck with everything. I'll keep an eye out for :digicam of your new addition!


Take Care and Merry Christmas :snow

Kristin, Drew, Fixer, Gracey and Bonnie

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Guest das1075

Yay!! I'm so glad they tolerated the hats long enough for pictures! That is a beautiful group of hounds you have!


I will be getting my own sometime in February. I don't have a specific one picked out. I've been working with my group since the summer. I am a recent college grad and entrant into the "real world". So, I've been waiting for things to settle before I bring a hound home. I'm getting so anxious though! But, your pictures are making me feel better!


Have an excellent holiday and the best wishes to you and your crew in the new year. :)



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Whenever you need a fix, just let me know. I'll post all the pictures you need! :P I really hope things go well for you over the next few months. I never regret for a second our decision to get a grey. And...I never imagined we'd have three!!! They have turned into our "kids" and keep us going from day to day. I'm sure the right hound will come along for you when you're ready. Have fun with the whole process!


Wishing you a speedy holiday season so you can get your first grey! :wub:

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