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Ember's Other Secret Santa :-)

Guest EmbersDad

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Guest EmbersDad

Ember's other secret santa gifts arrived yesterday. i am in the process of refinishing the floors in my computer room so i cant post pics right now, but WOW! you made her one happy pupper! she is wearing that nice new spiffy holiday collar, and she looks great in it! she also got some cookies, a blankie and a stuffy. her dad got some yummy peanuts. i promise to post pics once the floors are finished and dry and i can move my stuff back into the computer room.


thank you SS, you are greyt :yay

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You are very welcome! I had a greyt time shopping for both of you. Ember looks like she's a wonderful hound. Her gifts were the easy part! :P I thought that collar would look pretty good on her. We can't wait to see pictures!


Hope you guys have a greyt Christmas! :reindeer

Kristin, Drew, and the K9 Cookies gang...Fixer, Gracey, and Bonnie

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest EmbersDad

and pictures you shall see :-) we spent christmas in a hotel since i went to see my pop at his assisted living facility. ember had a nice christmas, and so did i.


here she is in her lovely new collar



examining the haul so far



ember "sniffed" this out for me. i was floored. i was at this show and it was outstanding!



NUM NUMS!!!!!!!









:kiss2 <--from ember to her secret santa

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