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Thank You So Much Juliemac

Guest Mommydog

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Guest Mommydog

juliemac was our SS this year, and she sent us some beautiful gifts. Thank you so much Julie :) Here as promised are pics of the boys having a greyt time opening their package.


Hey Joe! Look it's a parcel from our Secret Santa.




Oo look, new collars!




I'm gonna open this one.




These are queer smelling treats, Jack.




Joe had opened the cool greyhound soaps that Julie sent for me :P




Well let me see what's in this one then.




This one's just for me, Jack :P




No, you have to share them with your brother, Joe!




The boys model their beautiful new Christmas collars.







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Oh Joey, your mommy should've given me a warning...Pipi-Francine has fainted at the beauty of her Joey Bloo!!!



I tried the smelling sauce...it didn't work...I rattled the keys, that didn't work. So I said Pipi-Francine...wake up...Joey Bloo is here in person!!! Boink...

Now she's going to be shyyyyyyyyyyyy




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