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Vanillabean Says "thanks Astro"

Guest VanillaBean

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Guest VanillaBean

Dear Krissi, Ashley, Duke, Luna and Delilah:


WOW!! Mommy had to run out in the yard to get me this morning she was so excited! I couldn't figure out what her problem was. Just kept telling me to HURRY! I got inside and sniffed the box. Something smelled good in there. Mommy had to help me open the box because I decided I was scared of it! (Never had to open a box before!) But, after Mommy opened it, I came around to see everything. Boy, was I excited!!! Not only did I get a new collar, but I got a very cool toy and a BIG bag of treats. There is even some all natural stuff for anxiety. Mommy is going to PM about that stuff! I have already tried the treats (delicous I might say) and I already have my new collar on. Mommy was very excited and said I was very pretty in the collar! Daddy took pictures of the whole event, but Mommy and Daddy have to be to work in 15 minutes! EEEK. Mommy said she would upload the pictures tonight to show everyone how much fun I had!


Thank you so much for all my pressies. My first Christmas "home" is turning out Greyt!!!

Love VanillaBean & Traci

Edited by VanillaBean
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Guest VanillaBean

Hello again! Mommy finally got home and fixed up her pictures!



Here are 2 of the 3 Vultures that live in my house. These 2 are Peppy and Taffy. They think the box is for them, but I know better!




I finally get the Vultures out of the way so I can have my own sniff!




OH, Oh, OH, Mommy is getting ready to open the box!




Wow, look how perty!





I smile sooooo Pretty when I want a treat from Daddy!




Oh, neato, my Very own toy to play with!!




My VERY perty collar. I just LOVE this collar!






Thanks again for ALL my pressies. I LOVE them all!




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Awww Vanilla Bean!! You're so pretty in your new collar!! I'm glad you liked everything. Be sure to share your treats with Peppy and Taffy!! (btw: are they IGs or whippets? lol).

Have a very Merry X-mas!!!

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Guest VanillaBean

They are IG's. There is another one too!!! Her name is Poppy. She sniffed the box then laid down. Good Girl!

VanillaBean shared one treat with each. We will see what her mood is, if they get any more! :lol:lol:lol


Thanks again, the collar is Gorgeous!

Traci and VanillaBean

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