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Thank You So Much Ss

Guest goofydog

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Guest goofydog

I can't believe I actually thought about waiting until the 25th to open the package that came today, NOT :lol

I have to say that Fiona and Finnigan have a wonderful personal shopper. Get Em can't figure out which of the MANY stuffies to play with first, next or last! But wait, he also has to choose what flavor treat he prefers. Really not a contest since they are all tasty :P



Sure hope the pic posted.


Lots of other items that didn't make it into the pic include a manly necklace, a beautiful ornament made with a scroll saw(I'll try to get a separate shot it), 2 charms, a greyhound embossed soap, a cranberry greyhound air freshener and more doggie treats. I also got Timmies coffee, yippeeee, and Moose Munch!


Tricia(psholer), you were so very generous I can't thank you enough. What a great SS you are. Get Em says :kiss2

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