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Orlando's Secret Santa

Guest KatieGrey

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Guest KatieGrey

Thank you so much for everything, there was such a neat variety of things in the package!! I don't know if I was more excited or Orlando! He hasn't dropped his new toy since I handed it to him! I will have to take a picture and post it soon. The best part is Orlando and I are walking in a Christmas Parade tomorrow and didn't have anything Christmas-y for him to wear in the parade, the collar will be perfect! Thank you so much again for everything!



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Guest KatieGrey

Thank you again now that I know who you are!!!


I have to tell you, I left the treats on the counter today in their container and one of my cats knocked the treats off the counter and onto the floor and ate about half of them!! My husband was able to salvage the rest and get them back in the container, which we are now keeping safely in the cupboard!

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