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Gnawing On Paws

Guest greytsdad

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One of my dogs gets seasonal allergies which make her lick at her feet. What I typically do is increase her fish oil dosage (normally we do 1 capsule per 20 lbs of weight, but I up it to 1 capsule per 10 lbs) and I also soak her feet in an epsom salt solution. For this I just toss a couple of tablespoons of the salts into a couple of cups of lukewarm water, and stir with my hand, it dissolves pretty well. I soak each of her feet for a couple of minutes (while feeding treats, this is not her favourite activity) and make sure to try them thoroughly after, including between the toes.


What I've found is that after the initial itchiness the licking becomes a habit/comfort thing and so it continues. Also, the feet get irritated from the licking/chewing, so they keep doing it even if the initial allergic reaction is long gone. It's difficult to get this pattern stopped, and sometimes a secondary infection develops and needs to be treated.

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Thank you all so much for the advice. I started a regiment of benedryl, which seems to at least supress the symtoms...now for the cause...and the cure. None of the vets I have been to out here have had any success with this ...so off to the pros (those of us who have learned through experience. I am going to check on a new food. I have also started bathing his feet and wiping him down ...I do think it is something external (but trying the food too incase it's internal). I've ordered a kennel muzzle with poop guard...let's hope he doesn't figure out how to get around that (he is WAY too smart for his own good).


As for getting the muzzle off - Birdwell also sells a muzzle keeper. It's a strap that goes from the back strap of the muzzle, around the collar, to keep those clever pups from getting it off.


And - Benedryl may do the trick. If a single exposure caused a reaction, and licking helped.... then licking caused the feet to hurt.... they lick MORE! Benedryl make break the cycle... and get your pup healed up, and break the licking habit. We give Sobe 1 in the a.m. and 2 at bedtime (when it's the worst). He's 80 lb.


It's worth a shot - sometimes the "habit" is worse than the cause.


But - if it continues after a week or so on Benedryl, I'd start looking at food and such. But I'd definately try Benedryl first.


Sobe gets a mystery, seasonal allergy every fall. The change in weather, possibly fallen leaves, possibly pollen, put him in a foot licking, face rubbing fit. A few days of Benedryl fix him right up. Also - now that we're using heat in the house constantly, he's starting again. I'm doubling up on the fish oil (assuming dry air/ dry skin) but if he starts getting bad - Benedryl for a few days will set him straight. I want to avoid/break the licking cycle.


Good luck - I hope it's simple and, even if you never find the cause, you can get it straight. I personally wouldn't jump to food allergy right away, if the pup's on the same food as usual.





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