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Housecleaning Products?

Guest EmilyAnne

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Guest EmilyAnne

I have learned that greys are much more easily poisoned than other breeds. I am wondering if I should switch to more gentle housecleaning products, especially since my dear Henry has epilepsy? I used to use fragranced carpet powder all the time. I certainly wont use that anymore. What about sprinkling baking soda on the carpet instead? Is that ok? What about the swiffer mop? Henry licks the crumbs off the floor. Maybe I should do water rinses when I mop with the swiffer? Should I avoid air freshener sprays?


I am like the mother of a newborn baby, fretting over every detail! :lol:



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Hi, thought I would respond having had a beloved dog with epilepsy. Most of us on the www.canine-epilepsy.com forum felt that swiffer mops sometimes caused a seizure (along with yankee candles/air fresheners and a million other things LOL) and cleaning with white vinegar is best and safest. For instance when I clean floors I put in a splash of vinegar and a squirt of Dr Bronner liquid soap and add water to bucket. I also make up 16oz spray bottles with about 1oz vinegar, splash of dishwash liquid and fill with water for counter tops etc. Often I will also use Seventh Generation products for cleaning, they are safe. For carpets I have found wonderful results with my steam cleaner using just white vinegar in place of the carpet cleaning products. I have used the natural orange room freshener sprays from Whole Foods etc


I have learned that greys are much more easily poisoned than other breeds. I am wondering if I should switch to more gentle housecleaning products, especially since my dear Henry has epilepsy? I used to use fragranced carpet powder all the time. I certainly wont use that anymore. What about sprinkling baking soda on the carpet instead? Is that ok? What about the swiffer mop? Henry licks the crumbs off the floor. Maybe I should do water rinses when I mop with the swiffer? Should I avoid air freshener sprays?


I am like the mother of a newborn baby, fretting over every detail! :lol:


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