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Introducing Myself And My Family....

Guest EmilyAnne

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Guest EmilyAnne

Hello! I am excited to be here and learn as much as I can about greyhounds/lurchers. Sorry the pictures are all different sizes, it does not signify that I love one more than the other, it just signifies that I am not too computer savvy.


In the top picture, that is Alfalfa my beloved pointer mix who passed away 29 days ago. :( He had epilepsy, diabetes, blindness, cancer and could not walk the last 3 days of his life. He was very much a rescue who had a horrible start in life and so therefore he only lived to be 12. I was glad that he was with us to insure he was given the best care possible. He was such a great dog. When I cried, he'd put his head on my shoulder inviting me to cry into his fur. He had a remarkable character.


The next picture is our dear Riley. And yes he looks sad in the picture. He was with his brother for 12 years and he really misses his brother. Riley is a sweetie who gives smiles and loves to have his belly rubbed. His dream is to catch a squirrel someday.


The third picture is Mabel who we have had for 13 yrs. We think she is 15 yrs old. She was in the basement of a house we bought with a litter of very sick kittens. A window was broken so that is how she got in. She was very feral at first. What is nice about feral cats is the special bond there is when you do earn their trust, and you only have to tell them no once.


The last picture is Henry. Henry is a lurcher and yes he is a bit overweight in the picture. Tomorrow we go get him!!!! You can read all about him in my thread I started called' Adopting a dog with epilepsy......'


Now about the humans in our family. Me and my husband have been married 4 years. We have two children, Tyler age ten and Galen age three. The oldest is from a previous relationship, the biological father's rights were terminated and my husband adopted Tyler. :)


We are a homeschooling family. My husband is a paraplegic in a wheelchair and retired last year for medical reasons. I am a stay at home Mom. Our dogs aren't left home alone very often! LOL! I am deaf, but only partly deaf. I talk very well and I read lips. I do use an interpretor in some situations such as in church.


I guess anything else about me you will learn over time as I post. Feel free to ask any questions. I look forward to getting to know ya'll!







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Guest SkinnyLegDogLover

Hi, welcome! :wave Your fur family looks wonderful, and Henry is a doll. I hope you'll post more pics of him after you bring him home.

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Guest EmilyAnne
Hi, welcome! :wave Your fur family looks wonderful, and Henry is a doll. I hope you'll post more pics of him after you bring him home.
I look forward to posting lots of pictures of Henry making himself at home here! :wub:


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Guest hamiesmom

A warm hello from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Welcome, your family sounds absolutely delightful and I'm so happy that you are adopting Henry. I'm truly sorry for your loss of Alfalfa, what a gorgeous hound.


In our family, there is my husband and I. We have a beautiful red fawn 9yr old greyhound boy, by the name of Hamilton aka Hamie. I also have a gorgeous black/white female cat about 10 yrs old, who was also, once upon a time, a feral. Her mom was found routing around in a dumpster, followed back to where the kittens were. Her name is "Mabel" and I agree, she is a real firecracker and smart as a whip. I taught her how to give kisses which she does very freely. I just adore my two furbabies.

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Guest tiffyks

Welcome and thanks for sharing your amazing story. I can't wait to hear more about your wonderful family. I am partial to Lurchers...my mother and I have rescued almost 39 in the past 2 and a half years. Some are more lucher than others...some are full blood greyhounds...some only half. The hounds we have RESCUED are from local coyote hunters and breeders...




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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to Greytalk...you will love it here & I see from another thread, you've already mastered the art of posting pictures. That is like one of the main rules after all the other rules.

I love the picture of Henry in the special needs thread.

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