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Info On Veterinary Naet

Guest taylorsmom

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Guest taylorsmom

Hey everyone--

During this ragweed season (on the east coast US, anyway) I thought I would post about an allergy treatment that helped my Lab Lucy TREMENDOUSLY!! For many months, she was miserable, itching and chewing and scratching at herself. She also had frequent nasty ear infections. I called her my "Itchy Scratchy" girl--you couldn't even pet her without her itching and twitching! I started feeding a raw diet to see if it would help, which it did to some degree but she was still itching and it increased tremendously early last spring.


So I took her to a holistic vet who did NAET with her--after several sessions--NO more itching, no more yucky ears! And it is still the case, even in this ragweed season! I find myself constantly amazed. So here is a website for more info:



Veterinary NAET I hope this works--it is the first time I have posted a link!


Anyway, it seemed like "voodoo medicine" to me, until I saw how incredibly well it worked. It was determined that Lucy was allergic to many things, including chicken and lamb. She can now eat chicken and lamb with absolutely no problems. It's amazing. If this can help some suffering greyhounds out there, I want to pass this on!!!


Bummer--it's not working. Okay, here's the website address:




Maybe someone else can make the link for me??

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Veterinary NAET



Sounds interesting! However, none in Houston.


What is Veterinary NAET and

How can it help in the treatment of domestic pets?




The Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique NAET is a diagnostic and treatment technique, based on the principles of Chinese Medicine and developed primarily for humans, that has altered the lives of many people for the last 15 years through the work of Dr. Nambudripad and over two-thousand trained practitioners around the world. Evaluation and treatment consists of simple muscle response testing of various substances to determine the existence and extent of allergic sensitivities. Since 1994, Drs. Roger Valentine and Rahmie Valentine have extended the use of NAET to a highly effective application for domestic pets.


Although the term "Allergy" has been widely used in the medical profession and the public sphere for decades, knowledge about the nature of allergies and their implications is still in its infancy. Many people continue to think of allergies simply as a limited group of symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, hives and asthma or hay fever. Fortunately, increasing numbers of health professionals are beginning to recognize allergic reactions as factors in most illnesses and disorders.


Allergies are understood to be an unusual sensitivity to certain substances. An allergy may result from numerous causes, including repeated exposure to a particularly strong or toxic allergen over a short period of time, or from events such as serious trauma, major surgery, any anesthetic event, vaccinations, as well as emotional stresses such as change in habitat, weaning, or change in family members (human or animal).


In the case of pets, an allergy may be caused by a number of substances or environmental influences. It may follow a variety of minor or major stresses to your pet.



Major stresses include:

chronic illness



anesthetic event


major dentistry


bite wounds

hit by car


Minor stresses include:


water changes

family stresses

food changes habitat/

household changes

new pets in household




An animal that has been exposed repeatedly to a particular strong or toxic allergen over a period of time may exhaust the body's defenses. Symptoms may worsen at certain times of the year, as in the case of pollen allergies. Symptoms may also be more acute at certain locations or under certain conditions. This is due to the fact that greater amounts of the offending allergy can be contacted under specific circumstances.


Through the practice of Veterinary NAET, these stresses (traumatic, environmental, and emotional) are first identified and then eliminated.


Symptoms that are treatable by Veterinary NAET include but are not limited to the following:

Loss of appetite


Scared pet personality

Urinary tract disorders

Shortness of breath


Asthma (Allergic Bronchitis)





Flea sensitivity



Colitis Excessive appetite


Behavioral disorders


Sudden weight loss/gain

High blood pressure

Inappropriate urination



Hair loss



Chronic Cough





Veterinary NAET, which applies Chinese Medicine principles, through acupuncture, kinesiology and acupressure, is composed of two distinct modalities. The diagnostic method, human or animal, is Muscle Response Testing (MRT), while the treatment component involves stimulating the spinal nerves via acupressure to re-imprint the brain's recognition of the allergen. When used with animals, as with human infants, a human acts as the intermediary between the physician and the patient. The surrogate extends one arm and places the other hand on the patient. Various substances contained in glass vials are placed on the patient by the surrogate. While the vial is held against the patient, the practitioner applies downward pressure against the surrogate's extended arm, meanwhile, the surrogate attempts to resist this pressure. If a sensitivity to a substance is detected, the arm will go weak and the surrogate will be unable to resist the pressure being applied. Once the sensitivities are identified, a quick, painless and non-invasive acupressure treatment through the surrogate is used to rebalance the pet's nervous system response to the identified allergens. Muscle Testing is also utilized in the prescriptive phase to identify any additional necessary medications and to individualize dosages.


Veterinary NAET recognizes three main categories of energy blockage: structural/environmental, chemical/nutritional and psychological/emotional. Conditions treated and resolved with Veterinary NAET, but not generally recognized to have an allergic basis, can include: eosinophilic lesions, toxic chemical reactions, vaccine reactions, Idiopathic' bowel disease, gingivitis, gastritis, cystitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, asthma, constipation, diabetes mellitus, chronic recurring infections, conjunctivitis, external otitis, dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and pancreatitis, as well as the more commonly agreed-upon allergic conditions such as over-grooming, flea allergy dermatitis, food intolerance and allergic bronchitis. Besides environmental chemical and nutritional substances that can be identified and cleared, problem behaviors and emotional upsets can be resolved through Veterinary NAET as well.


The Drs. Valentine have modified basic NAET principles and transformed them into an effective treatment for allergies in domestic pets. Just as allergies have become a significant problem for people in recent years, the veterinary profession has likewise encountered a greater number of animals with allergies than ever before. NAET, therefore, is an ideal diagnostic and treatment modality for all holistic veterinary practices. No other method has been developed for use in animals that can identify and cure allergies. It is now possible to impact the lives of pets and their owners for the first time by the extension of NAET to the veterinary community

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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