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What's With All The Itching?


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Guest ProudGreyMom

You might want to try a nice bath with some oatmeal shampoo. And of course be sure that fleas aren't involved. This time of year is big for allergies. Check with your vet, but you can usually use some Benadryl (I prefer the children's one). Could be a food allergy too but its more likely pollen or itchy dry skin.


This linky might have some info to help too:



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Guest charmsmom

Charm and Paris are BOTH itchy right now. I'm going to get some oatmeal shampoo and give them both a bath, but it also gets worse if I don't add PB or fish oil. We're getting rid of the fleas and have both on Sentinel. So, we're working on this, but I'll be watching this thread, too!

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Check her over really, really well for fleas, especially above the base of the tail.

How long has she been in your home? Has she been itchy the whole time, or this is new itchiness? Does her skin look pink, ears, tummy, etc? If this is new itchiness has anything changed in your home's environment, like new laundry detergent, new carpet or carpets cleaned, lawn treated, new plants, new food or treats or chewies?


Most of the time it is response to environment like grass pollen or something else air borne. For that I would give Benadryl, 25mg of the plain old pink tablet Benadryl.

I have one grey, Lucy, who did have food allergies and she was really itchy and chewing on herself on some foods. Since I changed to a raw diet Lucy is no longer itchy.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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If she doesn't have fleas, it could be a seasonal thing. One of my hounds and I both get itchy in Sept-Nov, and I think it is the ragweed... You might check with a vet, but Benedryl and frequent bathing help here a bit---but not completely.

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I have 3 greys, but only one itchy one. June Bug has a lot of white on her and her feet look pink, and the scratching is driving me crazy -- not to mention how poor June must feel. I've been giving her a Benedryl and the itching has subsided immensley. I seem to be itchy and have a nose that runs and I've been taking the Benedryl too....We share.

From Wisconsin -- It's Nancy, Bob, Carla, June Bug and our newby Skorch.... along with Buffy. She's the little hound that meows.

With loving memorials to K.C., Barko and Major Turn -- all playing at the bridge.

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If she doesn't have fleas, it could be a seasonal thing. One of my hounds and I both get itchy in Sept-Nov, and I think it is the ragweed... You might check with a vet, but Benedryl and frequent bathing help here a bit---but not completely.

What she said. I had a dog once that when we moved to a rural town became 'itchy' every fall at harvest time. I would just call the vet and let them know I was bringing her in to get her allergy shot (benedryl) and they could come out and do it right in the lobby (saved me an office call charge) Usually just had to do this once or twice every fall.

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Yup, I second the recommendations for oatmeal bathes and omega-3 fats (like fish oil) in their diet. My bridge boy had seasonal allergies. We added a cheap little air filter to the living room where he spent the most time and that helped a lot. Also cool damp rags on the itchiest spots will provide quick and temporary relief.

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