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Anal Gland Poultice

Guest VanillaBean

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Guest VanillaBean

Hello, took me some time, but I found the info. So background first: No one knows why it happens, but 1 reason a DVM gave was toxicity from poor diet and inadequate exercies. Many DVM's recommend a raw diet that contains either the roughage of vegetables or raw bones. Also helpful is organic Coconut oil ( I give this to my dogs and he hasn't had an AG problem since), which is especially helpful to dogs with anal gland problems because it lubricates the intestines, acts as a stool softener and contains medium-chain fatty acids that kill yeast, fungi, viruses, hamful bacteria and parasites. 1 teaspoon coconut oil/10 pounds body weight, but start slow.


Fomentations: For abcessed Anal glands.

Can use: calendula, chamomile, stinging nettle, lavender, red clover or yarrow. Prepare by adding 1 TB dried herbs or 2 TB fresh herbs into 1 cup boiling water. Cover and let steep 10 to 15 minutes. Add a teaspoon coconut oil, 1 drop lavendder essential oil and/or several drops of grapefruit seet extract. All of these have disinfecting properties. pour into bowl to cool. When cool enough to touch without burning, but still very warm, saturate clean washcloth. wring out slightly, hold in place 3-5 minutes.. Do twice a day, for 3 days or longer until abcess drains, then can leave alone.


Hope this has helped.

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Guest LindsaySF

Thanks for the PM, I had missed this.


THANKS VanillaBean!! Now I have to purchase these things to add to my growing "anal gland supply kit", which already includes canned pumpkin and Benefiber for fiber, 3 brands of hydrocortizone cream, yogurt for good digestion, etc. :rolleyes:


I had been adding fish oil to everyone's food (for the fatty acids for skin and coat), but I stopped because I was trying to firm up Teagan's stool. The vet said that his stool being too soft is why the glands won't express. Do you think he needs firmer stool, or more lubrication?


We finished our Amoxicillin antibiotics, and now we have a few more days of Clandimycin left. Let's hope that this infection clears up!







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Guest VanillaBean
Thanks for the PM, I had missed this.


THANKS VanillaBean!! Now I have to purchase these things to add to my growing "anal gland supply kit", which already includes canned pumpkin and Benefiber for fiber, 3 brands of hydrocortizone cream, yogurt for good digestion, etc. :rolleyes:


I had been adding fish oil to everyone's food (for the fatty acids for skin and coat), but I stopped because I was trying to firm up Teagan's stool. The vet said that his stool being too soft is why the glands won't express. Do you think he needs firmer stool, or more lubrication?


We finished our Amoxicillin antibiotics, and now we have a few more days of Clandimycin left. Let's hope that this infection clears up!


I think it sounds like 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other. Both the firmer stool and lubricated intestine make sense to me so???????? My boy never had a problem with soft stools, so the coconut oil has worked so far! I give it to all 4 of my babies. I just had to start slow and work my way up to their dose.

My vet told me he sees a lot more AG problems in the winter than in the summer. He thinks less exercise leads to impacted AG's, but doesn't know for sure. I say give stuff a try, if it works, hooray! Oh, my dogs also get yogurt, but that has been a recent addition to their diet. Good luck!


OH, you don't need ALL of those herbs, just one, but author likes the calendula the best for AG's.



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