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Missing My Missy

Guest Mark

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Guest smeghead_666
I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been going through a lot of the same since we lost our 11 year old Simon 4 weeks and a day ago after her front legs stopped working very suddenly. I start thinking what if I'd waited one more night, would she have been magically cured by morning? (no). What if I'd put her through exhaustive testing/separation from us ?(I do know what she'd have had to say about that!) I ask myself why I didn't realize earlier that something was going on? (the vet believes it was something neurological, and there were signs, but we began treatment conservatively and missed the boat). I can drive myself crazy this way and hurt myself over and over.


But in my better moments, I look at the photo of my Simon girl with her happy, smiling face and know that I gave her the precious gift of a loving home for the last 4 years of her life. She knew she was loved, and she trusted me not to let her suffer, and I know I didn't let her down. I hope you can find some peace in knowing you prevented your girl's suffering and saw her safely through this life and into the next.


I don't imagine it's exactly the same for everyone, but for me, the first 2 weeks were the hardest. I'm not hurting as much now at 4 weeks. The pain will go away, and the doubts, too. PM me if you need to "talk".


My Hearfelt thanks to everyone that has repiled, this was the first time that I have been able to express my feelings of loss and grief. Your kind words have helped come to terms with my decision. In particular Thank you Susan for your very kind words, I can look at a photo of Missy and smile at the good times we spent together.


Yes the past 2 weeks have been extremly hard but with the support of others it has been easier.


My sincere thanks to you all


Love & memories

Mark & "The Girls" plus Benson, We all miss Our Missy Moo Cow

Edited by smeghead_666
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Guest StarlaDear

:candle God Speed Missy!


Mark....please try not to wonder too much if you did the right thing or if you tried hard enough. I lost my precious heart and soul hound only last week. She corageously battled first an auto-immune disorder then kidney failure. When she finally was too tired to fight i wondered for two long days how hard i should continue to fight for her....i was terribly, terribly afraid i'd "given up" on her "too soon". So many of the caring and kind people on this site and others have helped me realize that had i waited until i was certain it was not too soon it would be "too late" and she would have suffered immensly for the sake of maybe a couple of more days at the most. I am slowly realizing that sending our precious hounds to the bridge when they are ready (even though we may never, never be ready) is the hardest but most precious gift to give them. I still cry at the drop of a hat.....but i cry for me, because i miss her.....i shouldn't cry for her...she is where she should be, happy and whole again, running free and strong....maybe even with Missy.


Love and Prayers....

Sami & Gypsy

With Starry Starry Angel Hound, Waiting At The Bridge.....

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Guest crazy4greys

I am sorry for your loss and know how hard it is to make that kind of decision. I just lost my sweet girl Autumn 4 days ago and had to make the heart breaking decision to let her go and be with her best friend Phoenix.


She was being treated for narrowing of her disc spaces and pain in her hip with acupuncture and chiropractic and most recently going to a rehabilitation center for water therapy. She got up wrong on Tuesday night and did something to her hip. I took her to the vet immediately and they suspected cancer in her hip and gave her a shot of pain meds and we went home with an appointment to come back in the am for xrays and a biopsy.


The vet called an hour after dropping her off with the worst fear I had imagined. It was cancer and it was eating away at her hip bone. I could not put her through amputation as she did not enough strength to be a tripod, so I did the only thing I could and let her meet Phoenix at the Rainbow Bridge.


Time will start to heal your pain and you will start to smile again when you hear Missy's name and not be so sad.


Know that others understand your sense of loss and are thinking of you and your pups. :grouphug


:f_pink:gh_run:f_pink God speed sweet Missy



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