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Barfing Boris The Big Bad Borzoi

Guest deanna

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Guest deanna

He's been a VERY picky eater since we brought him home. The last 2 days he's eaten about 10 bites of food total. I've tried kibble and raw. And cooked ground chicken. He'll push it around for a while, then eat a little and act as though he likes it, then lose interest and meander away.


Usually, about 10 to 40 minutes later he'll hack up about one bite worth of food. Almost as though he hadn't swallowed it all the way into his guts yet.


I got him to eat about 1/4 pound of ground beef/chicken this morning and 2 cups of kibble. Then he barfed up the ground only about 40 minutes later. Yesterday he hacked up kibble only about 20 minutes after eating.


Also, he is sucking down water like crazy, then barfing it all up about 2 minutes later. - Water only in the barf. Again, like he never swallowed it all the way to begin with :rolleyes:



Anyway. He's doing better each day, eating more, barfing less. I spoke with a vet/neighbor this morning and he checked him over and said its probably nerves, just keep an eye out.


Any suggestions on helping the poor beast?



I have a friend from the local Borzoi rescue coming out tomorrow to meet him too, but I like getting lots of different ideas and opinions. :)



d & b.

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Poor guy, he just had a huge change in his life. I am sure his tummy will settle soon. :grouphug

2 Hounds Design Martingale Collars | 2 Hounds Design Facebook Page

Alisha, Bob, Livvie (the 2.5 year old!) plus Mia Bella, Tippy, + Wahoo and Diesel the crazy kitties (and missing sweet Iceman, Paradise, Bandit, Cujo & Sebastian) in Indian Trail, NC

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Guest deanna
Poor guy, he just had a huge change in his life. I am sure his tummy will settle soon. :grouphug

Thanks Alisha. I'm sure you're right, while I'm really meticulous about caring for my dogs, I tend to be fairly laid back "let's wait and see if he gets better" ...or "i'm sure I can treat that on my own" instead of rushing everyone to the vet for every little ailment.


I just want to be sure I'm not being too lax on this one.


But, I'll bet a new collar will fix him right up :lol


I would think time would do it but it wouldnt hurt to worm him either if he hasnt been to the vet recently.

Oh right, forgot to mention, he just went in for his annual 6 weeks ago.

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I bet a new collar will make him feel better too! Tell him as soon as his new tag gets here, he will have a package on the way! ;)


edited to add - I am much the same way. If he is still drinking, doesn't appear to be dehydrated or losing weight and normal temperature, I tend to give it a day or two to see if it is just a nervous or upset tummy.

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2 Hounds Design Martingale Collars | 2 Hounds Design Facebook Page

Alisha, Bob, Livvie (the 2.5 year old!) plus Mia Bella, Tippy, + Wahoo and Diesel the crazy kitties (and missing sweet Iceman, Paradise, Bandit, Cujo & Sebastian) in Indian Trail, NC

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Guest deanna
I bet a new collar will make him feel better too! Tell him as soon as his new tag gets here, he will have a package on the way! ;)


edited to add - I am much the same way. If he is still drinking, doesn't appear to be dehydrated or losing weight and normal temperature, I tend to give it a day or two to see if it is just a nervous or upset tummy.



so, this brings up another question, how do you take their temp? or what is a good way to gauge?

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Guest grey_dreams

Poor Boris. It's probably a combination of nerves and maybe some depression too. Could you talk to the lady who gave him to you? She could tell you what he likes to eat. If it was me, I guess I would still try to keep contact between Boris, the lady and her other Borzoi. I would think that would be better than a "clean break," for all of them. Just my opinion.

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Guest tricolorhounds

I have a couple that will drink a huge amount of water and then hack it right back up... Nothing to worry about.


No idea about the food though... My Greys didn't eat for a couple of days after they arrived here... now they can't stop eating...

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I bet a new collar will make him feel better too! Tell him as soon as his new tag gets here, he will have a package on the way! ;)


edited to add - I am much the same way. If he is still drinking, doesn't appear to be dehydrated or losing weight and normal temperature, I tend to give it a day or two to see if it is just a nervous or upset tummy.



so, this brings up another question, how do you take their temp? or what is a good way to gauge?



Well...it involves lifting the tail. :lol We have a thermometer that is only used for doggie temps, but for a quick idea of how the temp is, put a finger inside his ear and hold it there for a minute. He should be warmer than you are, but should not feel HOT.


I have a thing about my dog's ears, I am always rubbing them, so I can tell with a single touch if their temperature is off.

2 Hounds Design Martingale Collars | 2 Hounds Design Facebook Page

Alisha, Bob, Livvie (the 2.5 year old!) plus Mia Bella, Tippy, + Wahoo and Diesel the crazy kitties (and missing sweet Iceman, Paradise, Bandit, Cujo & Sebastian) in Indian Trail, NC

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Guest Snowy8
I bet a new collar will make him feel better too! Tell him as soon as his new tag gets here, he will have a package on the way! ;)


edited to add - I am much the same way. If he is still drinking, doesn't appear to be dehydrated or losing weight and normal temperature, I tend to give it a day or two to see if it is just a nervous or upset tummy.



so, this brings up another question, how do you take their temp? or what is a good way to gauge?



Well...it involves lifting the tail. :lol We have a thermometer that is only used for doggie temps, but for a quick idea of how the temp is, put a finger inside his ear and hold it there for a minute. He should be warmer than you are, but should not feel HOT.


I have a thing about my dog's ears, I am always rubbing them, so I can tell with a single touch if their temperature is off.

I'm glad you answered that, I was actually going to go get the thermometer & get her a visual. I think their temp is normal at 100/101 so anything higher might be a good time to call the vet. Thanks for the info on the inner ear! I agree with everyone else, I think he's just a little stressed because of the change in life. Can you call his other mommy & ask her what she fed him?

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Guest Winterwish

Oh goodness,poor Boris! :gh_child


I'm thinking along the lines of depression and nervousness too,and was wondering if this has been a "clean break" as grey dreams mentioned. That's a lot of loss. Altho' it's awful to bring this up because it would likely mean that your neighbor is not doing well,but I wonder if he'll do much,much better when his borzoi 'sibling' joins him.


Or maybe the senior,sibling borzoi can come for play dates? It may be harder for him to see him go however,so I don't know.

Would it be possible to have the other borzoi come over for one mealtime everyday? Or is it too far away?

If this can be done tho' you'd have to have a serious course of distraction ready for when the other leaves.



Otherwise,as for trying to get him to eat without the other borzoi,it can be very helpful for you to eat with him,and to be noisy in chewing while you're at it.

I've done this many times and it really can help.

If you want to do that,don't make eye contact really. Just set the food out for each of you,and even if you're finished,pretend you're still eating,linger over the morsel you have as tho' you're still eating.

If he stops,you can lightly tap the side of his bowl saying "come on" or whatever your prompt is.

And continue your own chomping away at your own food- like maybe a stick of celery.


How do you set out the food? Is it with your other pups,or alone?

How did his other momma feed him,has she been able to share their eating routine?


Also,is it his own feeding bowl that you have?

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Guest Winterwish

Has he been crying or been excessively restless? Destruction of things? Any diarrhea?


The reason I'm asking is,if there has been no other manifestation of anxiety over such a life changing situation,then this may be how it's showing itself.

That doesn't offer a solution,just possibly suggesting the validity of it resulting from the seperation of 'his family',as he may still see it.

And I would think it would need to show in some way.



This suggestion is really and logistically only possible if Boris' former mom is very nearby,like a block away or so;

- maybe you can walk Boris over there right before mealtime,walk back with the 2 of them,feed the 2 of them,rest an hour or so,and walk the senior borzoi back. ?

(i'm saying this keeping in mind that should the time come,you'll be adopting the senior also. :grouphug )

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Guest deanna

Thanks for all of the suggestions -- He hasn't been showing any other real signs of distress. He'll whine a little when I leave, but not for long. He paws at my door when I close it (the bathroom or my office), but again, not for too long.

The only real sign of him being sad or stressed is the barfing and small food intake.


I did take him to see Barbro, his former mommy on Wednesday. She was doing quite well, but not well enough to take her senior man for a walk. So, I offered to walk the boys together at the beach. I leashed them both up, and Trojka - the old man - REFUSED to leave her side. Wouldn't budge, no sir. Ever since her first chemo, he will not leave her side. He's a good man. She's decided that there is no way she's giving him up, even if it means having someone over to help her with him. It is likely that she will out live him - he's SO OLD - and this woman has a viking spirit, she is determined to beat this cancer. Whether or not that is realistic, I admire her attitude. We're not even talking about Trojka leaving her. Ever. He would probably die if he was forced to be away from her. His dedication to her is amazing. Boris hasn't got that bond with her. She was his 4th family. Trojka has been with her for 11 years. They are a tight pair.


So, given all of that new insight. Having Trojka over for visits won't work. But, taking Boris over to see them went really well. He was really good about being there and being settled and social. Then when it was time to go home, he was good about being "with me" in his new home. In my mind, in the long run, I think a clean break would be best - but Boris isn't the only person I'm looking out for in this scenario. Barbro really wants to continue seeing him, and that is fine by me.


As for the feeding situation here. I feed him at the same time as the other girls, they eat in their "feeding room" which has access to the yard, and he eats in the yard along the side of the house, kind of out of their way. He does have his own feeding bowl. I'm not sure what the routine was in his old home. He ate kibble and cooked chicken and other good stuff.


As for his dog bed, he didn't have a bed at her place...he had a couch :lol So, he's mostly sleeping on my couch during the day, and a nice thick stack of dog beds at night.





He is seeming very settled this afternoon. I just got home about 45 minutes ago. He greeted me at the door with 30 sharp teeth grinning out at me :D and his tail wagging. We all went to the yard and romped around for a bit, he sang me a song...and went back to bed! :yay


Oh! And apparently he knows how to lay down on command. That was nice. He lays down and looks up and me with all his teeth out. Its really funny.

So, I'm doing some work at my kitchen table right now. Yesterday, he would be pacing around, standing here watching me - waiting for me to do something... Today, he's sleeping on "his" couch.


Progress... :D

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Guest PhillyPups

:bighug Sounds like he is just settling in, and it takes a bit. Everything is new to him again. Nerves will cause the tummy upsets. Have you given him a bit of pepto to possibly settle it a bit?


It is so awesome that you are doing this for your friend, and you know you will reap the rewards... his teefers grinning at you. :wub:

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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes

Sounds like he probably is feeling topsy turvy. Offer him small meals and keep the water available for him. He'll eat when he feels ready.


Poor guy. But he's with an awesome family :) Come on Boris, big guy,don't make us worry :shakefinger

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Guest Winterwish

Deanna what the heck I was writing about I do not know! Just thinking of differant ideas. :wacko:



The pictures of Boris are wonderful! I saw them after reading and posting here. Deanna he looks so happy! :beatheart I hope Boris' stomach settles and is feeling a lot better tonite. :)




Hmph. Not a single bite for dinner tonight. *sigh*


Oh goodness I just saw that. How about as Momofsweetpotatoes said,small frequent meals. Really small?

How about Tripe? I've never given it but so many swaer by it for their poor eaters?

Or a piece of salmon?

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Guest deanna

ewww, we used to do tripe. i'm sure we'll buy it again someday. that stuff is nasty :lol


i'm going to try feeding him again in a few and see how that goes. he is laying on the floor next to me right now while i work :wub:

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Guest lizmego
I bet a new collar will make him feel better too! Tell him as soon as his new tag gets here, he will have a package on the way! ;)


edited to add - I am much the same way. If he is still drinking, doesn't appear to be dehydrated or losing weight and normal temperature, I tend to give it a day or two to see if it is just a nervous or upset tummy.



so, this brings up another question, how do you take their temp? or what is a good way to gauge?



Well...it involves lifting the tail. :lol We have a thermometer that is only used for doggie temps, but for a quick idea of how the temp is, put a finger inside his ear and hold it there for a minute. He should be warmer than you are, but should not feel HOT.


I have a thing about my dog's ears, I am always rubbing them, so I can tell with a single touch if their temperature is off.

I also wanted to add that you should NEVER stick a thermometer into the dog's rectum and then let go - spinchter muscles can contract and expand and they can force the thermometer deeper into the anus. Not a pleasant thought, I know. I think a temp of 100/101 is normal for a dog, but not positive.

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Guest deanna

boris had a nice meal this morning. :D and no barf!

he ate 2 medium sized trim chicken breasts (mostly bones with a little meat) and some ground beef and 1/2 cup of Evo.


he is sleeping like the dead right now. first decent meal in 3 days! his tummy was grumbling last night, he must have finally gotten really hungry. hopefully, we can keep up this whole "eating" thing :rolleyes:

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