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Collision At Dog Park

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Hi there - Pongo collided with a bulldog at the leash free park today and was limping for awhile. Then he seemed to get better and even wanted to play more but we left. At home he layed down for a sleep and when he got up he yiped twice. So I took him to the vet for a checkup and he said it seems like a pulled muscle. I am giving him Metacam for a few days for pain and inflammation. Anyone else's hound had a pulled muscle? How long does it last?

Susan and Pongo

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Guest LynnM

Until it's gone. Same as if it was you. Sometimes it's half a day, sometimes it's a week. Not a big deal, though... just part and parcel of being healthy and active.



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Guest FullMetalFrank

Frank slipped on the grass a few years ago and pulled his groin muscle; that took a couple of weeks before he stopped demonstrating pain from the injury. Mostly when getting up or laying down, and he was a little slower on the stairs.

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Guest minzenon

You can use a hand held massager or rub some linament into the area (make sure the linament isnt too strong) to help with recovery time.

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