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Everything posted by Booker_Aye

  1. There is a current thread with a link to a dog who underwent the vulvoplasty operation. Sounds like an uncomfortable recovery period is standard, but that the surgery is both routine and successful. Of course there is the ever present concern about anesthesia. It is the thread about Rita: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=192078 Some hounds have the surgery, and some just have careful hygiene with antibiotics -- the link in the Rita thread gives a very full picture.
  2. Why not call the vet to ask your question now? I am sure he would not mind explaining.
  3. Please, please don't be so hard on yourself. You have been doing the very best you could for Otis, and the difference in interpretation by the two vets may not be so great, really. There are others on this board with much more familiarity with greyhound values than I, but take a look at the greyhound blood values pinned in "greyt information"; especially about thyroid values. Here is a quote; "T4 Greyhound: .5-3.6 (mean 1.47+/- .63) Other dogs: 1.52-3.60 These figures are from a University of Florida study of thyroid function in 221 greyhounds — 97 racers, 99 broods, and 25 studs — so it included both racers and “retired.†While greyhound thyroid levels are a whole chapter unto themselves, a good rule of thumb is that greyhound T4s run about half that of other breeds." For thyroid values, greys are often misdiagnosed as hypothyroid. There is a special lab and a special vet with expertise in this area; my Polly was thought to be hypothyroid because of low values and her bald thighs, but the special lab said she was just fine for a greyhound, and I know that she is. The WBC count seems to me to require a titre for tick borne disease -- and there is also a special lab for that. Your vet can draw the blood and send it off for you. I don't think the antibiotics will affect the results of the titres if done within a few days of beginning the antibiotic therapy. Here are the special labs: For TBD: we used Protatek Reference Laboratories, Dr. Cynthia J. Holland ProtaTek Reference Laboratory 574 East Alamo Street, Suite 90 Chandler, AZ 85225 Tel: (602) 545-8499 Fax: (602) 545-8409 and here is their web site: http://www.protatek.com/ I just think that the slowly rising WBC count suggests a TBD taking increasing hold ... I have to look for the thyroid lab -- I think it was in Michigan -- Yes! http://animalhealth.msu.edu/ They are THE lab for tests and interpretation of greyhound thyroid values. Feel better, sweet Oatie!
  4. It is so heartening to hear about dogs (and people, too!) who do well after treatment for cancer. You go, Julio -- you are one handsome fellow!
  5. For Booker, it was buttered white toast that he could not resist. Of course, he was not a new mommy!
  6. How do you get the tag? I must be blind -- I can't find this info on the site.
  7. It also sounds like it might be related to afternoon/evening thunderstorms. In the summertime, our Booker, who is very upset by thunder, starts off by panting or whimpering when the atmosphere starts to feel as though thunder is possible.
  8. With Booker, the tummy noises meant worms -- and it took almost a year to get his tummy straightened out. I think some of the hookworms had become encysted and only gradually were we able to get them all. I would definitely check for worms on a newbie over the first several months repeatedly if there are tummy gargles.
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