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Posts posted by craig_brewer

  1. //4332878861_dc1c51aeba_o.jpgCharley by Craig Brewer, on Flickr


    I'm so sorry for your heartbreaking loss of Charley. What a huge void he must have left after being part of your family for 12 years.


    I especially love this photo of Charley. Do you recall what caught his interest outside of the window?


    I enjoyed seeing your photos of Charley and Brandee. Do you still have Skye?


    Our heartfelt thoughts are with you. May Charley's spirit remain close in your heart.







    I want to thank everybody for their kind responses, it means a lot to my wife and I.


    As to what captured Charley's attention in that photograph we have a large picture window in our living room that is just the right height for a greyhound to look out. There are a lot of people who like to walk their dogs on our street and Charley used to love to stand at the window and watch them go by. When his ears went up in attention like the photo you know he saw a dog walking past his house.


    Yes, we still have Skyler and she is doing fine. She is camera shy so it is hard to get a good picture of her, but I will work on getting something worthy of posting. Here is one of them together from a few years ago...


    13762331934_afa33307d3_o.jpgcharley_skyler_4-10-2014 by Craig Brewer, on Flickr

  2. A few more of my favorite pictures of Charley...


    [/url]Pool Boy. by Craig Brewer, on Flickr">http://301445867_97ad31fb81_o.jpgPool Boy. by Craig Brewer, on Flickr


    [/url] Wanna play some football?>Wanna play some football? by Craig Brewer, on Flickr">http://362857080_8908874f49_o.jpgWanna play some football? by Craig Brewer, on Flickr


    [/url] At the dog park in El Segundo, California>At the dog park in El Segundo, California by Craig Brewer, on Flickr">http://344491877_1d8c918d75_o.jpgAt the dog park in El Segundo, California by Craig Brewer, on Flickr


    [/url] Charley>Charley by Craig Brewer, on Flickr">http://4332878861_dc1c51aeba_o.jpgCharley by Craig Brewer, on Flickr

  3. Have not posted in quite a long time, but for those that remember Charley, he passed away yesterday 3/6/2017. He was 14 years old and we have had him for 12 years. What a wonderful dog and companion he was, he followed us from room to room because he wanted to be close all the time. So many good memories we have! This picture is from a few years ago. He was sunning and sleeping on some pavement in the back yard and I arranged some fall leaves around him to take the picture.


    http://1890418010_ba59e3f5c8_o.jpgcharley_fall_leaves by Craig Brewer, on Flickr

  4. My suspicion would be this is vulvar hypertrophy. The vulva enlarges due to the hormones recieved on the track to suppress estrus. IIRC, after the bitch is off the hormones for a while, and spayed, it will normalize on its own. Might not hurt to call a Greyhound-savvy vet and discuss it, though.

    Yup- clitoral hypertrophy due to the hormones given during her racing career. Things should normalize in time.

    Would love to see her otherside please!



    Of course, here is her beautiful face!




    Thanks for all the answers everybody!

  5. OK, don't laugh, feel like a perv posting this picture. But we have only had one female dog ever (Brandee) and her "business end" looked totally different from our new dog Skyler.

    She is about six weeks off the track and we got her at the end of the first week after she had just been spayed. When we picked her up we noticed Charley sniffing about much

    more than he ever did with Brandee. When we had a look this is pretty much what we saw...see photo.




    Now Brandee had all her "business" inside tucked away and not visible so we were a bit concerned. The foster lady thought it might be something to do with the spay, and figured

    it would return to normal. I took this picture today and it still looks the same weeks later. So for you who have female dogs, have you ever seen this before and is this normal or

    anything to be concerned about?

  6. Well it's been a week. I would have guessed it would be easier but maybe the shock of everything happening so quickly numbed me and it has finally sunk in. I sure do miss her sweet face. She just had these eyes that looked right inside of you like she understood everything you thought. There was such a gentleness and majestic quality about her that I've never seen in another animal. Charley seems to be pretty lonely, have been taking him on two walks a day to get him out of the house. Her favorite thing was to go on a walk, sure wish we could have had that one last walk together to say goodbye instead of me having to carry her to the vet.



    Brandee by ripsdante, on Flickr

  7. Thank you again for all your thoughts and condolences. It has been a quiet couple of mornings now. Brandee was always the first one up and running around the room to wake everyone.

  8. Thank you everyone for the condolences, they brought more tears to my eyes. We appreciate your kindness at this time. Charley seems to be OK, he knew something really bad happened when she started howling after she fractured her leg last night and wanted to be very close to her. Don't guess he really got to say a proper goodbye since we had to leave quickly for the vet and leave him home. That was only the second time in his life that he has been alone without a human or another dog. Debbie is taking off today to be with him and I have off Thursday and Friday.

  9. Well sad night for us. Brandee turned 10 about a month ago and started limping on her right front leg. Found out it was cancer about two weeks ago and her health was going fast. Tonight when my wife came home she tried to run to greet her and fractured her leg. She was in so much pain it was unbearable to watch. After taking her to the vet and consulting with him we decided it was best to put her down. Debbie and I were with her until the end. She was so sweet on one hand but also so regal and fierce as a watchdog. Who said greyhounds don't bark? Her greatest joy in life was to get up early and go for her daily walk. It was so hard the last month or so not being able to take her because of her leg and difficulty walking. She was a great dog and we will so miss her.



    Time for a nap. by ripsdante, on Flickr


    She loved to chase Charley and bite him on the neck when he ran.



    At the dog park in El Segundo, California by ripsdante, on Flickr


    I did this picture about 3 or 4 years ago and made a card out of it. Guess it foretold what would happen. That is Brandee out front of Charley. Just looked at the picture again and the leg she

    is holding up is the one with cancer and that was how she was holding it tonight after she hurt it.


    Come To The Light by ripsdante, on Flickr



    Brandee Counter Surfing by ripsdante, on Flickr


    One of my favorite pictures of her...


    Brandee by ripsdante, on Flickr



    Brandee by ripsdante, on Flickr



    Brandee by ripsdante, on Flickr



    Polly want a cracker? by ripsdante, on Flickr

  10. The last few days I have noticed Charley rubbing his snout on his leg while laying down and even on my pants leg. Thought maybe he was just rubbing off some food stuck to his mouth or something. So we cleaned the fur on the sides of his mouth but he would every so often still rub on it. Began to wonder if it was something to do with his teeth and had a look in his mouth and his gums are really red. Brandee has not been itching but we had a look in her mouth and her gums were really red too.


    Could it be as simple as they need their teeth cleaned or a symptom or another deeper problem?

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